Dreams Do Come True...

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A few days after the wedding, Lexi and Josh were packed and ready to head off to Dubai for their honeymoon. They had given Ethan to Callum and Ellie to look after for the duration of their holiday, and were more than excited for a little break.

Lexi: God, babe, I cannot wait for this honeymoon, I've never actually been to Dubai!

Josh: Me neither, which is exactly why it's the perfect place for us to go!

Lexi: I've seen pictures of that place, it looks amazing! Perfect for Mr and Mrs Money In The Bank! I am gonna miss Ethan though...

Josh: Yeah, I will too babe, but he'll be okay, he's got my brother and sister to look after him, so he's definitely in good hands.

Lexi: Yeah, you're right, all I should be worried about is how tanned we're gonna be over there, I've heard it can get really hot, especially at this time of year!

Josh: No kidding, any excuse to see you in a bikini!

Lexi just smiled at her husband, as he packed the last of his trainers in his suitcase and dragged his and Lexi's downstairs, where Gareth, Callum and Ellie were waiting with Ellie holding Ethan, who giggled and clapped his hands at the sight his parents.

Lexi: Aww, we're gonna miss you too, handsome! Are you sure you two are okay looking after him for these two weeks?

Callum: Yeah, should be no problems. You two go and enjoy your honeymoon together!

Ellie: And remember to send loads of pictures! I've always wanted to go to Dubai, I'm so jealous of the pair of you...

Lexi: Don't you worry, lots of snaps will be taken, especially a few of this gorgeous man...

Lexi looked up at Josh, who received a kiss on the cheek from his wife, before Ethan giggled once more.

Josh: Now you, little man, have a big responsibility while me and Mummy are gone. You need to look after this lot, okay? Cos you're gonna be the MAN of the house, taking care of Ellie, Callum, and especially Gareth!

Ethan giggled before Josh took him in for a hug.

Ethan: Love... dada.

Everyone shed a few tears as to what they had just witnessed, and Josh had a look of shock before looking into his son's eyes, and then hugging him once again.

Josh: I love you too, son.

Lexi then took Ethan for a hug.

Ethan: Love... mama.

Lexi was almost properly crying now, as was Ellie.

Lexi: Mummy loves you too, baby boy.

Gareth: Come on then, you two. I'll give you both a ride to the airport, otherwise you'll miss your flight.

Lexi took a deep breath as Josh consoled her about not seeing Ethan for a fortnight. He gave her a hug, which she returned tightly before saying bye to everyone, and waving to Ethan, who with the help of Ellie, waved back at them.

Josh: That's our boy...

Lexi: God, is it mad to say that I miss him already?

Josh: Babe, we literally just left the house... but of course it isn't, cos I miss him just as much already as well.

They then shared a kiss as Lexi nuzzled her head into Josh's shoulder all the way through the ride to the airport. After another half an hour, they said bye to Gareth, and checked themselves in, and then grabbed a bite to eat before their flight, which wasn't for another 45 minutes. After a while, they finally boarded and took their seats, with Lexi getting the window seat, and Josh next to her, who almost immediately after the plane took off, took a nap. Lexi saw her window of opportunity and took a mugshot of him, whilst he was sleeping, and tried to contain her laughter of the potential embarrassment he was about to face when he woke up.

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