One Last Chance

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It was now August 9th, and a very special day for Lexi and Josh in their relationship. Not only was it Lexi's birthday, but today would also be the day that the happy couple would finally tie the knot and get married. With Ethan being looked after by Callum and Ellie, Josh had spent the night at Seth's place, as the Kingslayer would be taking the role of best man. They woke up that morning, a little hungover from the previous night's bachelor party.

Josh: Ugh... my head... Seth, bro, you up?

He gave Seth a nudge to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge. So Josh thought to himself, got a glass of water and threw it onto Seth's face, causing him to shoot up from the bed.

Seth: Whoa... what the hell, Josh?

Josh: Sorry, dude, had to get you up, the wedding's in a few hours. And I dunno about you, but I wanna be ready as soon as poss.

Seth: Ugh, I guess you're right...

After they both had a shower, they got ready in their suits and did a quick ring round for Finn, Dean, and everyone else they had invited.

Meanwhile, Lexi had woken up from her hen night with a severe hangover. She went out with Bayley, Sasha and Liv, and from the way her place looked with the girls all sprawled out across her bedroom, it was a boozy night. Lexi looked at the time, and her eyes shot wide open.

Lexi: Oh god! GIRLS, WAKE UP!

The others stirred and slowly awoke from their slumber, with all three groaning from headaches and from Lexi waking them up.

Lexi: Girls, we've gotta get ready, it's already 11, and the wedding starts soon!

With that, all three girls shot up, and got dressed as quick as they could, as Lexi then got into her wedding dress for the day. The girls then got her make up done and she gave them a twirl...

Sasha: My God, Lexi, you look beautiful!

Bayley: Josh's gonna love you in that...

Liv: I might cry...

Lexi: God, I'm really nervous...

Sasha: You think you're nervous? Imagine how Josh must be feeling...

Liv: Yeah, he's probably got the same butterflies as you, if not more!

Bayley: True... now you ready?

Lexi took a deep breath and nodded.

Sasha: Let's go then... your husband awaits!

They all then proceeded to the wedding car to take them to the church, where Josh was now waiting, with Seth, Dean and Finn, and Josh was now beyond nervous.

Josh: Holy crap, is this really happening?

Seth: Yeah it is bro, just relax, you'll be fine!

Dean gave him a fist bump, then Finn gave him a bro hug, followed by a 2-sweet, and then both Josh and Seth went up to the altar, ready and waiting, as Josh then took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself. After waiting for a few minutes the music began playing and Josh turned to see Lexi walking down the aisle with her dad, with a big smile on her face. His eyes lit up once he saw her in her wedding dress.

Josh: Holy...

Lexi just smiled as she arrived at the altar, with her dad, Bob, giving her away.

Bob: Take care of her, son.

Josh shook his hand and smiled.

Josh: Yeah, course I will, you can count on that.

Bob then went to take his seat, leaving Lexi with Josh, both in awe of being the other's future partner.

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