A Turn For The Worse

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It was an exciting few months for both Lexi and Josh. Josh had done multiple title defences against some formidable opponents, like Bray Wyatt, Elias, Finn Balor and even gave Seth Rollins his rematch at Hell In A Cell. It was the Raw before the Royal Rumble, and Josh was on his way to the arena in his Audi. Lexi was already there, getting her make up done, along with Sasha, and Liv.

Sasha: So how are things between you two?

Lexi: Couldn't be better, he's just amazing in every way.

Liv: I'm happy for you Lexi. He's obviously the one for you.

As their make up was finished, Bayley then came rushing over, out of breath.

Lexi: Whoa, Bayls! What's the rush?

Bayley: Lexi... come quick... it's Josh... something's happened to him...

All the girls went to Bayley's locker room, and looked at the TV, to see Josh's Audi in ruins and flames. The moment Lexi knew it was Josh's car, her eyes grew wide and she was gobsmacked.

TV Reporter: Eyewitnesses report that the Audi was sent flying by another car which ran a red light, crashed into the Audi and caused it to land on its roof. Paramedics are at the scene now to extract the driver from his car, who is believed to have sustained life threatening injuries.

All 4 girls were in shock at the news. Lexi was trembling at the knees and immediately fell back onto the sofa, with the others trying to comfort her.

Sasha: Oh my god, Lexi... I'm so sorry...

Liv: This is bad... VERY bad... we should let Steph and Kurt know...

Lexi just didn't say a word as Bayley held her hand while Sasha and Liv went to see Kurt, and in return, gave Lexi the night off.

Sasha: Kurt said he'll give you the next few weeks off from Raw and live events if you want.

Lexi just nodded as she quietly spoke.

Lexi: I-I... I just need to be alone...

Bayley: Yeah, come on guys, let's give her some privacy.

Lexi felt a tear run down her face as she unlocked her phone and stared at some of the many photos she had with Josh. But the one that stood out to her was the one of them kissing on top of the Empire State Building. She stared at that for a solid 5 minutes before she finally let the tears flow.

Lexi: Please... just be okay... please.

She kissed the picture before locking her phone and then getting her jacket and then heading for the parking lot, where Kurt had got her a car to take her to see Josh. And after half an hour, she arrived at the hospital where he was taken to after the crash.
She took a deep breath before entering the hospital, and put on a brave face as she asked the receptionist where Josh was.

Receptionist: Well, he's currently in emergency elbow surgery, he should be out by the end of the hour. When he's out it's room 37.

Lexi: Okay... thanks.

45 minutes later...

Lexi had been crying almost all the way through Josh's elbow surgery. And when he was back in his room, the doctor came out to see her.

Doctor: I take it you're Alexis, Josh's girlfriend?

Lexi: Yeah, how is he?

Doctor: He sustained a broken elbow, broken ankle and a punctured lung... as well as a severe loss of blood. He is very lucky as he had no heartbeat for a few minutes during the elbow surgery, we were quite close to losing him entirely. You have one very strong boyfriend, Miss.

Lexi: How much blood did he lose?

Doctor: About 35-40%. He is going to need a transfusion within the next 48 hours... otherwise... I'm sorry to say, he might not make it.

Lexi: C-can I see him, please?

Doctor: He's having some sleep at the moment, but I guess I could see my way clear to making an exception... come with me.

Lexi followed the doctor to where Josh was. They then stopped just outside the door.

Doctor: I do warn you... this could be a little shock.

He then opened the door, and Lexi was in shock as to what she saw. Josh was lying on the bed, with a tube in his mouth, as well as his left arm being in a cast, and his right ankle in the air.

Lexi: Could you... give me a minute, please?

Doctor: Of course... take as long as you need.

The doctor left, leaving Lexi alone as she slowly walked over towards Josh's body. The closer she got, the more she cried.

Lexi: Oh god... my Joshy... who could have done this to you?

Lexi grabbed his hand and kissed it in the hope Josh would get better soon. Then as she was about to leave, she took a look at Josh's sheet of vitals. She came across his blood type, and as the doctor came back to have a look at Josh's condition, she asked him an important question.

Lexi: Is this blood type true?

Doctor: Yes it is, he is a B positive. Why do you ask?

Lexi: Because... I'm a B positive too.

Doctor: Right... so what are you suggesting? That you give him some of your blood for a transfusion?

Lexi: Well, would it be possible?

Doctor: Yes it would. Do you want to go through with it?

Lexi: If it'll help him get better then I'll do anything.

Doctor: Okay then, you stay here while I get a bed set up.

A short while later, Lexi was messaging Sasha, Bayley and Liv about the whole situation and gave their opinions.

Bayley: Oh my god... that sounds so serious... I hope he gets well soon, take care of him!

Sasha: HOLY... I can't believe that... his injuries sound really bad... we'll come visit you ASAP!!!

Liv: You're doing the right thing. I guarantee nobody else would do that if they were in your situation. Long LIV the love between you both!

Lexi teared up at the messages of support from the girls. And after she got ready for the transfusion, she grabbed Josh's limp hand once again and whispered her last words to Josh before she was put to sleep.

Lexi: Josh... I know you probably can't hear what I'm saying right now... but I want you to know that I'm gonna do everything I can to help you get through this. I can't live without you, you're my Joshy... and I love you so much.

Just before Lexi went under, Bayley, Sasha and Liv arrived. They wanted to be there for them both.

Sasha: Wow... didn't think you'd actually go through with it!

Bayley: Yeah, I mean, I'm a B-positive too, you could have let me do it...

Liv: Me too, I'm a B-positive.

Lexi: Thanks for the offer, girls, but I want to do this. He's my boyfriend... He's proven that he will go to any lengths to help me... now it's my turn to help him... even if it's just this once...

All 3 of the girls teared up, as Lexi began to feel sleepy.

Lexi: Thanks for being here, guys...

She then smiled as she sinked into a deep sleep, as Liv broke down.

Liv: If that isn't true love, I dunno what is...

Bayley: Here's hoping Lexi's idea works...

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