Time To Come Back

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Over the next week, both Josh and Lexi went through rigorous training regimes and strict diets. They opted to leave Ethan in Callum and Ellie's hands while they were training, and today, they invited them along just to see what the life of a WWE star was like.

Callum: So this is what you two put yourselves through? Wow, I could not do this, not in a million years...

Josh: Well, to be honest, when I was younger, neither could I. And look at me now... 230 pounds of pure muscle.

Lexi: You mean 230 pounds of hunky muscle...

Josh: Whatever you say, babe...

They shared a quick kiss before Josh took Ethan from Ellie.

Lexi: How's he been with you guys?

Ellie: Good as gold! He misses you two, though.

Josh: Don't you worry, kiddo. You'll be watching from the front row on Monday night!

Ethan laughed and clapped his hands as he then gave Josh a hug and then passed him over to Lexi.

Lexi: Have you missed us, baby boy?

Ethan coos at his mum, and gives her a hug.

Lexi: Don't worry, baby. You'll see us later! Go on, go back to Uncle Callum!

Lexi put Ethan down as he crawled over towards Callum, who was on the other side of the ring Josh and Lexi were training in.

Ellie: Wow! Look at him!

He crawled to the bottom rope, where Callum had his arms out for him to pick him up. Eventually, Ethan reached out for Callum and he took him into his arms. Both Ellie and Lexi teared up at the sight.

Lexi: He's growing up so quickly...

2 days later, Raw after Wrestlemania...

As Raw started, Josh and Lexi were backstage, ready and waiting to be Seth Rollins' tag team partners for his match against the Raw Tag Team Champions, The Revival and the new Raw Women's Champion, Ruby Riott.

Josh: It's been nearly 11 months for me... even longer for you, baby!

Lexi: Yep, a whole year... I may have missed this place, but being away for a while has definitely helped!

As they made their way to gorilla, they ran into Sasha, Liv and Bayley.

Lexi: Hey, girls...

Girls: LEXI!!!

They all ran up to her and hugged her, and then hugged Josh soon after.

Josh: You guys doing okay?

Sasha: Yeah, just been missing our favorite couple! Are you guys back tonight?

Josh: Yeah, we're Seth's tag partners for his match tonight.

Bayley: Sasha wanted in, but has a tag match with me instead against Nia and Tamina.

Sasha: Oh well, I'm not complaining. As for you guys, go out there and knock them dead!

Liv: And I'm helping you guys, Lexi! Ronda may have lost her title last night, but apparently I'm next in line for the title! Ronda said to me earlier that she's taking time off cos of an injury... Im distracting Ruby before she hits you with her finisher. Then you get the win for you, Josh and Seth.

Lexi: That's amazing, Liv! 

As they continued talking, The Revival and Ruby were in the ring, addressing the WWE universe about how they were successful the previous night at Wrestlemania.

Dawson: The three of us stand before you tonight as your new champions...

Ruby: And from this point on, we rule Raw, so whoever you send our way, Kurt, I promise you, me and The Revival... we will tear them apart...

As Ruby finished, Seth's theme hit, and the Intercontinental Champion made his way to the ring, and stared down the three.

Seth: Did I just hear you three say that you'll tear apart whoever Kurt sends down there?

The crowd chanted "BURN IT DOWN" as Seth paused with a smirk on his face.

Seth: Well, I'd like to see you try and tear me apart, as well as these guys...

He slowly turned around to see Josh and Lexi making their entrance together, and the crowd went absolutely ballistic at the sight of the returning pair. Seth gave Josh a high five, a fist bump and a bro hug, while Lexi just gave him a hug as the three then went down to confront Ruby and The Revival. But before they could get in the ring, Kurt's music hit, along with the "YOU SUCK" chants.

Kurt: Well, it seems that Chicago is the place to be tonight!!!

The crowd roared in approval ad Kurt continued.

Kurt: Now then, Revival, Ruby... if you wanna put your theory of ripping the roster apart to the test, then you should have absolutely no problem at all answering Seth's challenge, then. Cos later on tonight... it's gonna be The Revival and Ruby Riott against Seth Rollins, Josh Stevens and Alexa Bliss

The three inside the ring looked furious as Seth, Lexi, and Josh all smirked and stared down their opponents for later tonight. They then went backstage together, and savored the moment.

Seth: You two sure picked a hell of a night to return...

Josh: Just a shame we won't be on Raw much longer...

Seth: Wait... are you guys...

Lexi: Yep! We're off to Smackdown!

Seth: Well, you guys won't be the only ones... Bayley and Finn were also told they'll be on the blue brand with you as of next week.

Josh: Well, if these next two Raws are our last nights together on the same brand, then let's go and give the fans a goodbye present...

Later that night, as their match drew to a close, Ruby was about to hit the Riott Kick on Lexi as Liv's theme then hit, distracting Ruby. Lexi took advantage of the situation to plant Ruby with her snap DDT, before climbing onto the top rope, and then going even higher, and standing on Josh's shoulders, and as they held hands for balance, Lexi hit Twisted Bliss and got the pin on Ruby.

Announcer: Here are your winners, the Intercontinental Champion, Seth Rollins, Josh Stevens, and Alexa Bliss!

The crowd cheered as Lexi then spotted Callum and Ellie, along with Gareth, who was holding Ethan, and she then left the ring, took Ethan, and got back in the ring, where the boys were still celebrating.

Lexi: Say hi, Eth!

Ethan waved his hand slightly and then hid his face into Lexi's shoulder as he got nervous. After the show, Callum, Gareth and Ellie met up with everyone backstage.

Callum: Here you guys are!

Josh: Hey you lot. Enjoy the match?

Ellie: Yeah, you were brilliant, Lex!

Lexi: Thanks, El!

They spent the rest of the night chatting away, until they got home. The following week on Raw, it was announced by Josh and Lexi themselves that they would be heading to Smackdown Live, and that this was their last night on Raw. They were in the ring, saying goodbye to the fans on Monday nights.

Josh: This may be our last night here, but we came out here to thank all of you.

Lexi: Me and this man have been through a lot together, and we could not have achieved any of our success on Raw without you wonderful fans, so thank you. From the bottom of our hearts...

They kissed and then went backstage, as they then met up with Bayley and Finn.

Finn: Well, if it isn't the fellow couple we're going to Smackdown with.

Bayley: You two excited?

Josh: You bet we are!

Finn: Come on then, the blue brand awaits!

The couples walked hand in hand towards the exit of Raw, and welcomed the future challenges that lay ahead of them on Smackdown...

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