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As promised here is the next chp ..💞

Slowly and gradually Annie became favourite of all pack members. She was pampered with lots of gifts,toys ,food and most precious love and care.

Everyone in the pack knew she will be the best future Luna. Sam and Pink were most fond of her.

One day as usual sam went in his wolf form in front of Annie ,that day Annie had some different plans. She had bought make up kit with her ..( u all might be confused that she is such a small girl and uses make up..nahh..she saw Pink many times applying make up, so she bought it with her as she thought she will make wolf more beautiful.)

""...said annie in her language while sam was confused.

"Clos...e u..eyes"(close ur eyes) directed annie while showing him with her hands.

Sam obeyed her and soon she started decorating his face and his body with powder,lipstick ,foundation ...once it was finished she smiled and clapped her hands and called" Pink..Pink" in her voice.

Pink came out listening to her voice.

"Oh my mine darling what have u done to the wolf" said pink surpressing her laugh.

While sam had no idea what are they talking about .

"Annie dear lets go inside" said pink taking her in his arms and while she mind -linked sam to go and see himself in the mirror.

(Mind link is the way u can talk with each other without using ur mouth. And we can mind link once we are mated to our soulmate.)

Sam went inside as said and was shocked to see himself covered with make up he instantly ran inside washroom and cleaned himself up.

The news that alpha was been given make up by annie spread like fire in his pack.

He was embarrassed but was happy that his daughter was happy.

Second day annie bought crayons to colour him seeing it he ran into the woods while annie pouted seeing this.

Wolf...olf she calle. but he ran away.

"Ujj..angy...bad..wolf"..said annie with angry pout to shiv who just returned from school.

"Annie princess its okay he will come back don't worry "said shiv and kissed her cheeks making her smile.

Now whenever annie used to bring crayons or make up in front of sam(even when he would be in his human form) he would run from their giving an excuse. He feared that annie would once again do his makeover.

It was night time everyone was sleeping while annie was wide awake. She slowly got up from bed and went down. She was not getting sleep.

She heard some noise from the hall and moved in that direction and saw juliet sitting on couch and had tears in her eyes.

She quietly went towards her and tapped on her knee.
Juliet was surprised seeing annie awake at this time and instantly wiped her tears.

""....saying this annie wiped her tears with her small palms.

Juliet smiled and took her in his arms kissing her forehead.

"Annie what are u doimg here at this time"? asked juliet.

"No..sleep" said annie.

"Common lets make u sleep "saying this she took annie with her in her room and made her sleep on bed while she slept beside her.

Annie snuggled into her arms while soon both slept in each other's arms peacefully.

(Why juliet was crying u will come to know soon.)

New day...

Annie and shiv were called in alpha i.e, Sam's office.

"Shiv i have called u both here for telling that annie is shifting to Child Care Centre" said sam.

"Dad but annie is to small and what if they don't take good care of her their? What if she get's hurt? What if she cries? "Asked shiv being possesive about her.

"Son ,i have already talked to the head of the centre Ms.Lily she will take good care of annie. U have to understand its for our and her good ".

Annie was not knowing what actually was sam telling she was just watching here and their with her big innocent eyes and fidgeting with her fingers.

Shiv did not say anything and went out with annie who was walking beside him holding his big fingers in her small palm. annie.

Annie come with me saying this he took her and made her sit on couch and sat beside her.

Annie pouted and sat on his lap making him smile.

"Annie we are going to new place tommorow and you are gonna stay their from now!! Its your new home" said shiv.

""..asked annie to which shiv nodded.

""..saying she jumped and clapped her hands but this little soul did not knew that she is gonna stay alone their not with shiv or any other pack member.

Shiv chuckled and gave her piggy back ride and both went to play in woods.

Annie was keen to play hide and seek so she went to hide when suddenly she came across wolf and seeing wolf she was not scared as from day 1 she met sam(wolf) she was fascinated by animal wolf.

She tried to go near wolf but it growled making her whimper and move back. (This wolf is not sam .)

"V..V" she started calling him ...

While wolf came near her and she moved back in fear and suddenly. ..

To know what happened next stay tuned to the book" MY ROGUE MATE"

Precap:- Annie in hospital!!!

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Do try my other books guys..






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