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Mary could you tell us what's wrong with dad? asked shiv.

"Alpha with this signs it shows that sam has 2 souls present in his body. And the evil soul is trying to take over sam's soul. And if we delay further i fear that sam's wolf would be no more ."

Everyone was shocked.

"Mary is their any way to know why has this soul entered father's body? And how can we get rid of him?" asked shiv.

"Yes Alpha but you have to call pink here. Without her i guess it will be impossible for us to control sam." said witch.

"Shiv if we wanna save dad then we have to take the risk we have to call mom here" said annie.

"Okay, i will mind-link mom to come here till then mary please start the procedure" .

"I request all of you that once the procedure starts nobody moves out of this room nor cross this boundary line. You will be shocked ,scared but stay calm" said mary to which all nodded and took their position.

Mary started chanting the four crystal balls kept at 4 sides started to shine. Sam's hands and legs were tied together so that he can't harm anyone . Soon sam woke up with red eyes and started to wriggle ,tried to free his hands and legs but alas was defeated.

"Why am I been tied up?"asked sam (evil soul)

"Tell me why have you entered Sam's body?what do you want evil soul?"asked Mary.

"First open this ropes then only I will answer your questions."

"Okay" saying this mary opened his ropes with magical power. And getting opportunity evil soul tried to grab annie in the circle but could not as magical powers were preventing him to go out.

"You think you are smart enough.  I knew you would try to go out of the line , tell me what's the reason you are ben trying to harm the pack members ?"

"My name is Rosh. I was an rogue . Me and my family were trespassing Red Blood Pack , we were no harm . But suddenly we were been surrounded by some warriors of the pack. I told my mate and kids to run away into woods and protect themselves. They ran away and I tried to fight with all warriors but some went behind them. I was hurt but still I went into woods in search of my family I saw blood spots that smelled like my mate . I heard someone was passing by and heard their talk that they killed my family as per alpha's order. I could not do anything and I planned to take revenge. I went to Darcy woods and met a witch their I got so into revenge that my soul became evil. Soon after that one day when i was near pond I saw this girl pointing towards Annie, she changed into white wolf and that day I knew what I had to do. So I kidnapped her entering inside body of a rogue and then took place inside Sam's body not only to destroy him but also him whole pack."

"But we never attacked any rogue as to what i know through pack meetings. We just captured them" came voice from door. Everyone turned around and saw pink standing their.

"But how is this possible ? They were your pack members"

"You must be mistaken as at that time near woods we found 2 kids whimpering near their mother's dead body . And as per my knowledge she was been attacked by our neighborhood pack ."

"Which means your pack did not kill my family? And kids? You said that you found my kids right! Where are they? Are they alive?"

"Yes, we took them into our pack and today you would be proud to knowbthat they are our one of best pack warriors."

"Can i meet them?"

To which pink nodded and mindlinked someone.

Soon their was knock on door and two person entered inside who were none other than .....any guess?

Alen and Alex!!

"Rosh this were the two of them whom we found that day Alen and Alex" said pink.

"Alen and Alex my kids" happy tear rolled down his eyes seeing his children safe and sound.

While alen and alex were standing their confused.

"Alen, Alex the person standing infront of you is your father Rosh.  You might be confused right, Sam is infront of you but the soul present in his body is your father's."

Alen and Alex ran towards sam and hugged him. They were happy to meet their father. Rosh too was happy.

"Dad"..said both and cried in his arms.

"Alen and Alex i'm sorry I could not be with you when you needed me the most. But always remember I Love You. And how can i forget i did sin trying to harm my grandchild. Plaese forgive me son" saying this he joined his hands.

"Dad..please don't. We forgive you. Don't you wanna meet our family?" asked Alen.

Saying this he called them inside. Alen with  Shane(his son) and his mate and Alex with his 2 year old daughter  Samaiyra and mate stood before Rosh.

"Shane my son i'm sorry please forgive your grandpa" Shane went towards him and said...."noo..solly...grapa..

While Samaiyra giggled and Rosh took both his grandchilds in his arms and blessed them.

"Thankyou luna pink. I am grateful to you and your husband. I can happily die now. And i'm sorry for the problens you all faced because of me. I'm guilty and Alpha Shiv and Luna Annie forgive me. Thankyou for been their for my kids. Now its my time to go. "

Last time hugging his kids and grandkids Rosh finally closes his eyes and soon his soul comes out of sam and vanishes in thin air.

Everyone had tears in their eyes. Soon sam woke up only to be hugged tightly by pink.

Sam did not knew what happened and how did he come here ? while everyone decided not to reveal it to sam and just give an excuse.

Later everyone went back to pack house.

Precap:- Last chp+ Epilogue

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