New Ways

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Iraneth threw blades of water at the many Yokai that were trying to invade the shrine. Diani ran out from the back and grabbed Iraneth's arm. "Iraneth! Stop!" Iraneth turned in her direction cautiously. "What is it Lady Diani?" Diani shook Iraneth's arm a bit. "Stop fighting Iraneth. We can't hold them off any longer." Iraneth shrugged her off. "I can't leave you unprotected Lady Diani." Diani frowned at Iraneth. "I'm sorry Iraneth. Iraneth, stand back! I demand that you stay back and stop protecting me!" Iraneth's eyes widened and she looked at Diani in shock. "You don't mean that. Please tell me you don't mean it! You aren't breaking our contract!" Diani frowned at the ground as more Yokai began making an appearance. "I'm sorry Iraneth. By this moment fourth. Our contract has been terminated. You are now a free Yokai." Iraneth watched not knowing what to do as Diani went to try to fend off the Yokai who approached her. She shook her head ridding of her shock and ran for Diani. "Lady Diani!" She instantly stopped as she watched Diani get run through by a Yokai's claw. Rage flew Iraneth and she lit her hands in an electrifying current. The current flew over her body and she ran through the horde of Yokai striking them all down occasionally using water to aid her lightning. She fought to the last Yokai who she made a turn with her hand out cutting him down with her claws. She ran to Diani panting and let her electric current die as she dropped to her knees next to the goddess. Iraneth shook as she slowly picked up Diani into her arms pulling Diani to herself. "Why Lady Diani? Why wouldn't you let me help you?" Diani smiled softly at Iraneth. "Because there was no hope left for our shrine Iraneth. Take our crystal. Don't let any other Yokai have it. Help the blossoms bloom and the flowers grow. Heal the injured and the sick. Use the crystal for it's use Iraneth, but not for ill use." Iraneth nodded and gently took a blue crystal from Diani as Diani pulled the crystal out of her Kimono. "Take good care of yourself and be happy Iraneth." Iraneth held the crystal close to herself as she looked down at Diani. "Lady Diani don't leave. Please. Where am I to go?" Diani slowly closed her eyes and her head fell to the side against Iraneth. Iraneth began to panic and began shaking Diani. "Lady Diani! Lady Diani! Please wake up!" Iraneth waited a moment as if waiting for a response but after not finding any response she closed her eyes for a moment and leaned her head back and let out an animalistic cry.

Iraneth carried Diani to the back of the shrine and laid her on the back porch of the shrine. She walked over to the cherry blossom tree and ran her hand down the tree in thought before walking back a few paces and began digging with her hands. She dug for hours through the afternoon to night until she dug a deep hole in the ground. She climbed out of the hold and walked over to Diani and lifted her lifeless body up walking her to the deep hole. She held her hand out over the hole extending her arm that was under Diani's legs. Roots grew through the ground into the hole creating a bed like structure. Iraneth got onto her knees and gently lowered Diani into the hole before raising back onto her knees and holding her hand over the hole where the roots wrapped around Diani's body like protection. Iraneth frowned at Diani as she stood up. "Take care Lady Diani. I hop you rest well and are happy where you are." She pulled the crystal out of her top holding it in her hand and against her chest as she got back onto her knees and shoveled dirt into the hole.

She left the shrine and made her way down the mountain top where their shrine once thrived. Iraneth didn't look back as she walked. Feeling too hurt to even want to. She walked through the night until she reached an area that was completely lit with lights. She felt almost blinded by the lights and squinted a bit trying to adjust her eyes to the bright lights. She looked around trying to find some place to rest and only found humans walking around. "So this is where the humans thrive." She began walking into the small town and a few salesmen called out to her holding up their items trying to sell her them. She simply ignored them and continued walking. She stopped as something ran into her. She looked down and found a child on the ground rubbing his forehead. "Sorry lady." She bent down and helped the kid up dusting him off. "Hury home. You shouldn't be out this late." He gave her a smile and ran off. She watched him run off before continuing her walk trying to grasp the new era. She walked down to a park and found a bench. She looked up at the tree next to it and decided the tree would be better. She slept in the tree only to hear yelling early in the morning. She glared down at the voice finding a small Yokai. He was jumping around as if trying to grab her. She threw a blade of water at him slicing him in half before jumping out of the tree. She began walking once more but was quickly grabbed and drug into an alley. She glared at the humans who surrounded her smirking at her. "What a pretty lady. I bet she's loaded." She stood her ground raising her head to show her authority. "You kids have guts." They scowled at her. "What was that lady? How dare you talk down to us!" The others nodded agreeing with their leader. She smirked at them. "I see, you seem to have found the wrong woman to mess with." One of the guys grabbed a pipe and ran at her. She grabbed the pipe and ripped it out of his hands before using it against him and hit him hard enough with it blood flew. She grabbed another guy by the throat and slammed him into the wall bashing his head into the wall. She dodged a swing from a shovel dropping the guy she threw into a wall. She chuckled dodging a few other swings before grabbing the handle moving in front of the human getting in his face. "Boo." He looked at her with fear and let go of the shovel. She held onto it walking after him as he ran off, or tried to at least. He tripped over a pile of bricks on the ground and quickly turned towards her in fear. "Please! I'll give you anything you want!" He held his hand out at her trying to stop her. Her smirk instantly dropped and a shadow fell over her eyes as she bowed her head. "Whatever I want huh?" He nodded his head fast. "Yes! Anything!" She glared at him with a great fury as she brought her foot down harshly onto his chest throwing him down onto the floor. "You lowly humans could never give me what I truly desire!" She raised the shovel and brought the pointed end of the metal down onto his head making it go through his forehead. She let the shovel go and walked away angrily not even carrying that she had blood on her. An officer ran after her yelling for her to stop and she turned grabbing him by the throat. She gave him a small glare looking him in the eyes as she snapped his neck and dropped his body. "So this is how it is going to be is it? I shall now be hunted by humans as well? Fine. Then no human shall live a peaceful life." She walked away into the bright day occasionally killing anyone who came up to her. She made her way to a tree along a pathway next to a bench and decided that it was where she would stay. She sat on the bench and leaned her head back trying to rest. Her ear twitched as she heard laughter of teens walking her way. She tried to ignore them but it became impossible as she heard them stop in front of her.  "Hey lady?" One of the girls went to poke Iraneth but Iraneth was quick to grab her wrist. She opened her eyes finding two girls. "What do you want?" The one in Iraneth's hold laughed nervously. "Um, are you alright ma'am?" Iraneth huffed at them. "I'm fine." She let the girls hand go and the two looked at each other before the other girl decided to speak. "But ma'am, you're covered in blood." Iraneth scowled at them. "Thank you for stating the obvious. Is there anything else you would like to point out? If not you may continue on your merry way." The two looked at each other with worry. "Should we get you help?" Iraneth groaned in irritation and moved forward sitting with her elbows on her knees. "Listen kids. It would be in your best interest to just leave. I don't want to hurt you." One of the girls began to complain but her sentence slowed to an end as Iraneth slowly stood up giving a dangerous stance. "I'm giving you two three seconds to run." One glared up at her while the other was more than ready to book it. "I'm not going anywhere. You need more than help." Iraneth grabbed the girl by her throat and snapped her neck. "You're annoying me." She looked at the other girl and scowled at her. "What about you? You got something to say?" The girl quickly shook her head in fear. "Then get out of here." Iraneth dropped the girl who she had killed and the other quickly took off. "Tch, pathetic. Humans are all pathetic creatures. Why did you ever protect them Lady Diani?" She climbed into the tree planning to stay there for the rest of the day. Though had to occasionally kill any human who crossed her path trying to take her away.

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