A Yokai's Fate

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Nanami and Iraneth were both happy that Himeko was able to meet the person she wanted and start a friendship with them. Iraneth looked up at the clouds noticing a storm rolling in. Her face paled realizing who it was that was causing it. She walked over to Nanami who was heading for the door. "Hey Nanami? I uh. I'm going to come with you today. You look after the shrine Tomoe!" Iraneth rushed Nanami out the door and dragged her to school practically making Nanami fly behind her as she ran. Iraneth stopped at the entrance of the school and let Nanami go. "Here you go Nanami. Have a good day." Nanami watched Iraneth jump into a tree confused.

Iraneth sat in the tree watching the clouds for a while until everything began getting dark. She jumped at the window breaking it just as a figure shot lightning at her. She rolled on the floor landing in front of Nanami. Nanami looked down at Iraneth as she had jumped to her feet as the window shattered and moved a bit towards it. Nanami looked at Iraneth concerned. "Are you alright?" Iraneth got up and moved in front of Nanami protectively. "Stay behind me Nanami." A woman walked into the window glaring at Iraneth. "So this is where you went after your master died you little vermin. I should have hunted you down sooner if I had known you were the familiar to a human." Iraneth smirked at the goddess. "Why? So I can kick your ass again?" The woman glared intensely at Iraneth. "How dare you!" The woman paused for a moment and smirked. "No, you can't defeat me. You wouldn't stand a chance. You're still held by your oath. Tell me cat. Where is that crystal of yours that is the sealment of your agreement?" Iraneth growled in anger. "What are you here for Narukami?" The woman rose her head up high. "Right. I came for that girl behind you. Hand her over and come with me. Make things easier for me will you?" Iraneth threw her hand out. "Like hell I will! How dare you threaten my mistress!" Nanami watched the two interact confused. Narukami glared at Iraneth. "Fine. If you insist on getting in my way." Iraneth fell to her knees crying out in pain as Narukami sent an electric bolt at her electrocuting her. Nanami dropped to her knees behind Iraneth and gently grabbed her shoulders. "Iraneth!" Nanami glared up at Narukami. "Why are you hurting her?!" Narukami glared down at Nanami. "Please, this is nothing compared to what she has done to me many years ago." Narukami walked over and grabbed Nanami. "Now for you." She placed the palm of her hand on Nanami's forehead taking the mark of a god off her forehead. Tomoe ran in angrily. "Iraneth! Nanami!" He slowed to a stop and his fury sky rocketed at the sight of Iraneth on the floor. He ran to her and moved her into his arms. "Iraneth are you alright?" She gently pushed at his chest glaring at Narukami. "I'm fine. It's not like I haven't taken a hit like that before." He set her onto her feet and Narukami glared at Iraneth. "You never knew when to give up did you? I suppose that's what would make you a great familiar. Come Iraneth, Tomoe. Come back with me to the shrine." Iraneth growled at Narukami. "Like hell I will! Come fight me you bitch! I'll take you on again any day!" Narukami glared daggers at Iraneth and sent another lightning bolt at Iraneth. Iraneth dodged the bolt of lightning as she began running at Narukami. The goddesses's eyes widened seeing the woman running at her and she began throwing more and more lightning at her. Iraneth jumped into the air pulling her hand back ready to strike until Narukami created a lightning whip and lashed it at her. The whip wrapped around Iraneth and Narukami threw her to the floor. Iraneth ignored the pain going through her and rose to her feet taking off at Narukami once more. She threw water blades at the goddess dodging the lightning that was whipped at her. Narukami let out little cries of pain as she was cut with the blades of water. "Dam you little brat!" Narukami increased the amount of lightning being sent at Iraneth and Iraneth paused not being able to dodge them. She covered her head crying out in pain falling to her knees. Tomoe ran to her after the two stopped attacking each other. He lifted Iraneth with one arm around her back. He glared up at Narukami before picking up Iraneth and carried her back away from the goddess. "Oh come now Tomoe. She had what was coming to her. Now come with me back to the shrine. Bring her as well if you don't mind." Nanami stepped in stomping her foot. "No! You aren't taking either of them!" Narukami grew irritated and brought out a hammer. Iraneth frowned at it through her half consciousness and reached up grabbing Tomoe's shirt. "Run Tomoe. She's going to aim for you." He frowned down at her but didn't listen. He dropped Iraneth as he suddenly shrank from the effect of the hammer. He rushed to her side as she groaned in pain. "I'm sorry Iraneth. Are you alright?" She grabbed his hand and smiled softly. "I'm fine." Narukami left in a fit of rage and Nanami did her best to carry Iraneth and Tomoe out of the building. She sat Iraneth next to her on the bench leaning against her with Tomoe sitting in Iraneth's lap as he wouldn't let Nanami hold him. Nanami looked up as a taxi drove up to them. "Nanami? What happened to these two?" Iraneth looked slowly up at Kurama and shoved Tomoe to the side raising to her feet defensively. "Watch it Tengu. I'll take you on any day." She stumbled forward and he grabbed her arms to steady her. Tomoe jumped to his feet worriedly. "Iraneth sit down!" Kurama gave her a look of uncertainty. "Hold on there Iraneth. I don't know what happened but you look pretty beat up. You shouldn't be standing." He helped her back onto the bench and she glared up at him. "You watch your back Tengu." He sweat dropped at her and looked at Nanami. She laughed nervously. "Sorry about her. She just got out of a fight with a god. She isn't doing to well. I think she hurt her head or something." Iraneth jumped to her feet holding her fists up. "You wanna say that to me again!? Let's go! You and me! Right now!" Kurama poked her in the back and she fell over. Tomoe tried to catch her forgetting he was too small to do so and go crushed under her weight. Nanami frowned down at Iraneth. "I'm sorry to ask this of you Kurama, but will you lend us a place to stay for a few days?" He looked down at the two Yokai and sighed. "Alright. I suppose." She smiled brightly up at him. "Thank you Kurama!" He bent down picking Iraneth into his arms knowing she was now unconscious from her fall.

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