Rekindled Love

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Tomoe wouldn't let anyone in his room not even Mikage. It infuriated Mikage that Tomoe was blocking him from taking care of his familiar. Mikage knew Tomoe cared deeply for Iraneth, but he also knew how badly injured she was. He couldn't understand why Tomoe wouldn't let him help her.

Mikage waited for Tomoe to leave his room to go get more water for Iraneth before he quickly made his way in. Mikage made haste in making his way silently into Tomoe's room. He frowned at the condition Iraneth was in, seeing she wasn't any better than she was four days prior. He rushed over to her kneeling next to her. "Iraneth. I'm sorry I haven't gotten to you sooner." She shook her head at him panting lightly. "It's alright. I understand. Tomoe has informed me what's going on." Mikage nodded and walked over to the door holding out a hand closing his eyes.

Tomoe walked back to his room and scowled as he found he couldn't open his door. "Damn!" Nanami ran down the hall with worry. "What is it Tomoe?" Tomoe placed down the bowl of water in his hand and tried to pry open his door. "Mikage sealed the door closed." Nanami frowned looking at the door for a moment before giving Tomoe a worried look. "Tomoe, why wouldn't you let Mikage heal her?" Tomoe's look darkened as he bowed his head. "I won't loose her again. Not to anyone. Not even Mikage." Nanami took a step away from Tomoe holding her hands up. "Hold on Tomoe. Mikage isn't going to take Iraneth from you." Tomoe sent her a glare sending a shiver up her spine. Yunimai walked down the hall with concern. "What's the problem?" Tomoe looked over at Yunimai and bent down picking up the bowl before walking past her. "Nothing. Everything is fine. I shall prepare dinner." The two female gods watched Tomoe walk away, but with different expressions. Yunimai eyed Tomoe with suspicion, while Nanami watched him with concern. Yunimai turned towards Nanami with a scowl. "Keep an eye on him Nanami. Report to me should anything happen." Nanami nodded slowly though not completely paying attention. Her mind too focused on her worry for her familiar.


Three days had passed and it was clear that Tomoe had changed. Mikage knew that Tomoe had tried many times to break down his barrier that he put up over the room that Tomoe was keeping Iraneth in. Which, was Tomoe's room. Everyone at this point had believed that Tomoe had gone mad. Mikage and Nanami couldn't blame Tomoe for it knowing what the two had gone through in their life together, but they still worried for Iraneth.

Mikage walked to the room he was keeping Iraneth in and sighed seeing Tomoe trying to break into it. "Tomoe." Tomoe instantly stopped throwing himself at the door and turned towards Mikage angrily. Mikage walked up to the door with a frown. "You can come in and see her if you promise to behave yourself." Tomoe froze for a moment and looked down at the floor in contemplation. Mikage went to open the door and Tomoe looked up at him. "I'll come too." Mikage nodded and let Tomoe follow him.

The two men walked into the room and Tomoe frowned seeing Iraneth laying on the floor. "She hasn't gotten any better?" Mikage didn't answer Tomoe as he walked over to Iraneth and knelt next to her. Mikage gently shook Iraneth talking in a soft voice. "Wake up Iraneth. There's someone here to see you." She stirred awake and Tomoe stiffened. Tomoe walked over to her and knelt beside her.

Iraneth blinked away her haze and looked around confused. She frowned seeing Mikage and Tomoe. "What's going on?" Mikage gave her a small smile. "How are you feeling?" She went to sit up and cringed in pain placing a hand over her stomach. "It still hurts." Mikage helped her sit up. "Let me have a look at it." She let him pull her Yukata open and take her bandages off. Tomoe's eyes widened seeing the blackness that branched out from her open wound on her stomach. "What were you hit with?" She frowned looking at the floor and Mikage answered for her. "the tiger god's whip is capable of many things. You won't even know it's there until you're hit. She must have been struck by the snake god's poison at some point." Iraneth decided to pitch in, "It must have been when I was thrown off the cliff." Mikage looked at her with a frown. "This is his special poison. I can't extract it." Iraneth nodded and Tomoe clenched his hands into fists. "What does it do?" Mikage helped Iraneth wrap her wound back up as he answered Tomoe, "It eats at whoever it's been used on from the inside out. It's a terrible way to go, but Zelefet must not have known any other way to get rid of her." Iraneth smirked and rose her head. She huffed placing her hands on her hips. "Hm, that just shows how much the gods truly fear me. As they should." Both men instantly scowled at her and Tomoe poked her stomach making her flinch, "And this is why you end up like this."

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