Unwanted Change

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Iraneth went into a familiar depression as she came further and further into her pregnancy. As she got closer and closer to her ninth month all she could think of was the child she had once learned to love. She could never forgive herself for the death of Yutani, nor could she forgive herself for falling for the child she had sworn to hate. But there was still a part of her that hated that part of her that hated Yutani from the beginning. She was a mess as a mother then as she was now.

Iraneth sat in her room in a corner curled up with her knees at her chest as best a six month pregnant woman could gripping at her hair sadly. Every passing thought that came to her only made her more and more upset until she got to her feet and began throwing things around the room. She didn't even pay any attention to her door that flew open as she threw a table across the room.

It wasn't until she was wrapped in arms that she realized someone else was in the room. She tried to break free from their embrace to cause more havoc but they wouldn't let go.


Tomoe frowned deeply holding tightly to Iraneth stopping her from hurting herself from all of the chaos she was causing. He began shushing her petting her hair and it took a while but he finally got her to stop fighting him. They both made their way down onto their knees and he sat her on his lap petting her hair. "Everything will be alright Iraneth." She began crying into his yukata clutching onto it tightly. "I can't do this Tomoe. I can't." He held her tightly holding her head against his chest. "Yes you can. We will do this together." She shook her head gripping more tightly to his yukata almost tearing it. "Please don't make me do this again Tomoe. I can't. I couldn't protect Yutani." He moved her back cupping her face in his hands making her look up at him. "Look at me Iraneth. Neither of us were able to protect Yutani. We both tried. Both of us were there. Akura ou is gone now. He's dead. We don't have to worry about anyone coming after our child again. Besides, there are others to help us protect this child this time. It isn't just you and I this time." She bowed her head shaking it. "I don't want to do this. I can't! I don't want to!" He frowned at her watching her break down. "Iraneth please." She dropped her head against his chest grabbing at his Yukata. "Please don't make me do this."

Tomoe sighed softly rubbing her back. "We'll get through this."

The last two moths had passed miserably similarly to what they had gone through within the sixth month. When it became time to deliver Iraneth was a mess. Mikage called for Yunimai for help to deliver the child and he was glad she was there to deliver the child for him along with Nema who had happened to be visiting at the time.

The delivery went smoothly and little Azura was born. Tomoe was so happy to hold his little girl when she was handed to him. Iraneth similar to Yutani didn't want anything to do with their little girl, but for different reasons.


Three months had passed and Iraneth did nothing with their child but feed her. Tomoe spent all of their child's time with her. Well, him, Nanami, Mikage, and whoever else visited. Iraneth did her best to avoid the child at all costs. 

Within the three months the child had already learned how to walk and was following Tomoe everywhere. She had tried to follow Iraneth but Iraneth would shut doors in her face making the child confused or upset. Which in return would just upset Iraneth, but Iraneth believed she was doing it for the best.


Within the end of the year Tomoe had had enough. Tomoe stormed his way down the hall to the back where Iraneth was watching the snow fall while Nanami watched Azura.

Tomoe quickly grabbed Iraneth's wrist just before she could down a glass of Sake. "What do you think you're doing?" She frowned up at him for a moment before looking away. "Drinking. What else?" He hit the glass out of her hand pulling her to her feet glaring at her in rage. "That's not what I meant! It's been half a year! Are you going to take any responsibility for her?!" Iraneth sighed sadly not even looking at him. "What do you think?" He grabbed her by her lower jaw forcing her to look at him. "Look at me! This isn't Yutani! We've talked about this! Why must it take you five years to realize how precious something is?! She isn't going to wither away Iraneth! She has more protection than Yutani did! Nothing is going to take her from us. Not this time. I'm not leaving you, and we're not loosing Azura." She sighed waving him off making him let go of her. She grabbed the bottle of Sake she had brought out and went to chug it but Tomoe grabbed it from her throwing it making it shatter against the tree in the back.

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