Chapter 8

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Your POV

*Later that night*

I lay motionless on my bed, breathing slowly, eyes closed. I was in such a position that my arm started to grow numb. If I didn't get the signal soon, I was sure I was going to blow it.

In the many years that we had been here we figured out that WICKED had set up motion sensors and microphones throughout all our barracks. At least they were decent enough to not put up cameras.

However, WICKED underestimated us. The hallways had guards patrolling the corridors and cameras hidden in certain places but, because of the guards, there were no motion sensors. The small digital watch, vibrated underneath my pillow, signaling that it was my cue.

Pretending to sound groggy, I slowly sat up in bed. I fake-yawned, which turned into an actual one, and slipped my feet off the edge of the bed, gently pressing my bare toes against the cold floor.

Anyone watching the sensors and or listening to the microphones, now had their full attention on me. For whatever reason, WICKED did not want us going out at night anymore. Of course, all of us being eleven-year-olds, rumors quickly spread that a boy got caught outside his room at night and was thrown into the crank pit. That scared a lot of us, including me, out of going out at night for a while, but soon enough my curiosity got the better of me.

Only this time I wasn't alone. This time my friends also came with me. We congregated at lunch in the cafeteria where we schemed our plan of getting our of our rooms, at night. We eventually came up with a schedule, time chart, and special tasks each of us had to complete before we could go out on our little escapade. 

 To make sure WICKED didn't find out, we used a different schedule every month, but we would rotate it around. We all got up at different times so there weren't six motion detectors going off at the exact same time. Now, it was my turn to get up.

I slowly, quietly, made my way to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I didn't bother turning on the lights since I would be leaving right away, anyways. I just went straight to the toilet.

With the lid down, I hopped onto the top and stood on my tip-toes reached for a latch on the ceiling. It was a small knob that I had to push to the opposite end of the hole, for it to unlock and swing open. I wasn't the tallest of people so sometimes this was a struggle, but eventually I do get it.

Once the latch was open, revealing the air vent tunnels, I grasped onto the rim. This next part was the hardest and most dangerous; in the end it always left me breathless. 

Trusting my weight on the vent, I jumped and with all my might, slowly pulled myself up. This wasn't the first time I did this, but the experience didn't make it any easier.

When I was halfway up, my stomach pressed against the ledge, sweat forming on my forehead, I felt my arms growing weaker. Fear coursed throughout my entire body as I tried to stay calm. I took a deep shaky breath. Nothing is going to happen, right?

As if answering my question, my hand gave-way. My eyes widened and I held in a scream. My arms flailed out trying to hold onto anything to stop me from falling. I started slipping off the edge when something grabbed my arms. I held in another scream.

I looked up but couldn't see who it was, due to the darkness of the vent. I held on to them as they tried to pull me up. I kicked my legs trying to find something to push off of for boost.

In one final grunt, I was safely inside the dusty, dark vent. The two of us were both left in silence, except for our panting and my obnoxiously loud heart beat. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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