Chapter 12

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A/n I know that this is kinda just jumping around all over the Fever Code story, but hold on! Hold on!! I have a plan, and honestly, I'm just trying to get through this part, give you some background...and stuff. So, don't worry. I know what I'm doing....kinda

**Weeks later**

"Hey Y/n! Wait up!"

I turned to see Siggy pushing his way through people trying to get to me. I tugged gently on Newt's sleeve, who I was walking with, to stop him. We turned around and Siggy approached us. He was out of breath and huffed loudly. Newt spoke up.

"Siggy? You a'right?" Even those three words sounded like silk. It took all I had in me to not look into his deep brown eyes and swoon. Stop it Y/n!! Snap out of it!  Instead of slapping myself I bit down on my lip.

"And why are you out of breath?" I asked.

Siggy huffed, "Yeah, I'm fine, and I ran all the way from domestic science." a few more breaths,  "It's just...Y/n there's something different about it. You need to come see this! I thought that's what we had next..?"

He looked so confused it was kinda funny. I smiled at him and I could hear and feel Newt chuckle under his breath next to me. It made my heart flutter.

"Yeah, we do. I was just.." I looked to Newt for helped, but he just looked at me like he had no idea what I was doing. I lightly elbowed him in the arm and rolled my eyes.

"I was just walking with Newt to his next class because domestic science doesn't start for another 15 minutes..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say in my defense.

Siggy gave me a knowing smirk. A while ago, while me and Siggy were in the cafeteria waiting for everyone else to join us at our table, he noticed me continually looking over at the lunch line, directly at Newt. One thing led to another and I told him everything. All my feelings for Newt. It was embarrassing, but also relieving. I've been dying to tell someone since I figured out I had a crush on Newt. And to be honest, if I was going to tell anyone, it would be Siggy.

"Well, I know that you love to keep walking with, but this is urgent." Siggy said grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Newt. 

I turned to him and gave him a slight smile, "I'll see ya at lunch, okay?"

He looked between me and Siggy, his eyes shifting fast. He finally nodded, "Alright, see ya."

And with that Siggy led me by the arm through a crowd of people towards domestic science. I'd lie if I said I didn't look back...more than once. Sighing, I succumbed and let Siggy drag me to me next destination.


"Siggy, what is so important?" 

We now stood in front of the door to domestic science and Siggy had finally let go of my arm. He stood triumphantly in front of the door, hand on handle.

"Take a deep breath, Y/n."

I tried to look around him into the window but he blocked my view. I sighed, "Siggy, if you dragged me away from Newt just so you could stand in my way from seeing what it is that is so important, I'll be mad." 

I crossed my arms over my chest and shifted my weight to one leg. He rolled his eyes, "Oh please, if I didn't come take you away you probably would have either fainted from excitement or make a fool out of yourself."

I can't deny that. I bite my lip again.

"Just let me in! What is it?" I said getting annoyed. 

He smiled, "Alright fine." 

With that he opened the door. "Ta-da!"

I took a couple steps in and a smile spread across my face. "Is that.."

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