《 9 》

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I saw her waiting for me near the gate
6 days left and i wont see this beautiful creature.

Your PoV

I waved at him
Kinda happy i got him and sas cause he's gonna leave me soon.
He caming running and grabbed my hand

Where tf is he taking me.
Hes taking me out of the school not in
We got in a taxi
"Bitch where are you taking me?"
He turned me around and blind folded me
He jyst ignored me kept rubbing the back of my hand he was holding

We soon stopped
He slowly got me off the car
"Hey want a piggy back ride like i used to always give you before this may be the last time ill ask you so tjink again huh"

I just smiled and nodded and got on his back
"Remember when we were in kindergardten
You were soo clusmy " i smiled bitterly
"I had to take care of you everytime"

He stopped on the spot he didnt say a word till then
"How did you rememeber bout this"

"U-uhm that just popped up in my mind"

He nodded

"Hey when are you gonna take this cloth off my eyes"

"Just wait this kid you just continue what you were saying earlier"

"Yeah so we had a lot of fun you remember the lake near our kindergarten we used to play alot there right its been 10 years since ive not been there i never went there after you left me"

"Let me tell you one thing how we departed"

"It was 2nd august 2003 my mom said my dad was getting transfered to jeju i did not at all wanted to leave my old house and minho and you and all my friends "


"I remember you crying alot when my mom said we were gonna leave"
He just gave out a small laugh
And stopped
He put me down and took the cloth of my eyes
I slowly opened my eyes adjusting ny eyes to the light

I broke down into tears as soon as i regonized the place
It looks just the same
Just some changes there was a small canopy decorated with white flowers
We walked me there

"You were talking bout this place a while ago werent you?"

I nodded sobbing

"Close your eyes again just for a sec"

I closed my eyes
He walked pass me
"Bitch where you going leaving me"
I suddenly felt something cold around my neck
I turned my eyes and looked down
It was a pendant

I turned around to look at him

"I got the same one here "
The rays of the dun reflected

"Mind putting this on for me ?"

I happily got it from him

And put it on him

I ran to the place we always used to lie down
And layed there
He came beside me and lied there too
We just looked into each others eyes and smiled like kids

Kim seok jins pov

Wherevis this girl today i havent see her the whole day.
Did she get kidnapped or something or maybe she got into an accident or may--

"Jin hyung what are you thinking bout soo deeply?"
Jimin brought me back to sense

"Probably thinking bout y/n cause she wasnt here the whole day "

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