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" you may discharge her today" i opened my eyes to see seokjin minho and the doc talking.

"Oh youre up?" Jin said walking towards me.

I just nodded.

"Good news we get to go to school" he said placing a shopping bag infront of me. " get changed." He said as he handed me the  uniform.

"Minho can i skip school? " i asked him with my puppy eyes.

"No" he said wearing his blazer.


"Hurry up were running late" jin pulled me off the bed and pushed me to the bathroom with my school dress.

"Fine fine" i did my toilet stuffs and walked out with my school dress actually MY NEW SCHOOL DRESS.

"Now lets gooo" seokjin grabbed my hand as he swang it back and forth.

"You two go to school ill take care of the case" minho said walking away.

"Minho tell me if you need any help dont keep it to yourself" he just nodded "pinky promise?" I said holding up my pinky finger as he interlocked his with mine and gave me a warm assuring smile.

"Now get ready fasttt your baby jungoo and tae wanted to see you so bad he came here last night but you were resting so i send them back "

"Aww my baby taegoo came to see me my babies" i faked a cry.

"Aww i was here the while night sleeping beside you know" he said rolling his eyes.

"Aww you did? What a caring boyfriend you are " i pinched his cheeks.

Just then someone bursted into our room yelling "Nonnaaaaaa"

"Oh my babies " i said hugging the two boys in our school uniform.

"Nonnaaa  i missed youuu"

"Shut it its just been a day " jin said pulling as apart.

"Tch we wont steal her from you "

"Y/n go change " jin said pushing be back into the bathroom.

"Ne ne"

I quickly changed my dress. We just had around two months and we'll be graduating but i got a brand new school dress.

"Letss gooo" i said jumping out the toilet as i clung onto guk.

Jin just rolled his eyes follwing us.
I tried my best to forget what happend but this shit wont let me go. I might be smiling outside but its seriously haunting me from inside i just wished i killed that person last night but im glad jin stopped me.

"Broooo" chanyeol amd baekhyung hugged me as soon as i entered the class.

"What is it?"

"Man sorry we couldnt visit you because of your schedule are you okay now?" Beakhyun asked looking at me from head to toe.

"Ye ye i am just fine "i said patting their shoulder walking back to my seat.

"Oh hey y/n" dong hyuk waved at me.

"Heyy" i waved back

"Are you okay now?" He asked looking at me with those sick worried eyes.

"Yes i am very very finee" i said smiling to assure him.

"Ahh that's  good i came to visit you but you were still asleep so i didnt disturb you"

"Ayy you didnt have to its not like i got hit by a truck or smth" i laughed.

"Not like im not allowed to meet you unless you get hit by a car " he rolled his eyes "anyways lets go to the ice cream store later my treat"

"Nice idea" i said snapping my finger.

Mr. Park entered the class and we stayed shut like we should.
He started taking the attendants and talked bout the final exam.

"So everyone i hope y'all will do well i trust you and i had a very good year with you"


"Class dissmissed"

"Man we gonna graduate soon  isnt that just greatt?"Jin said stretching his arms

"Yeah it is" i packed my bag getting ready to go eat icecream.

"Ughhh" he groaned as he hugged me.

"What are you doing?  People are looking. Let go" i said tryna get off his grip.

"Just a moment" he kept hugging me for quite awhile  and finally let go. "Here it looks good on you just as i expected"  it was a rose gold necklace with heartbeat sign. I just lookedat him touched. " my heart beats for you y/n i hope you wont ever leave me" he said caressing my cheeks.  I just nodded.

"I love you seok jin" i mummbled.

" i love you too y/n" he said moving closer as his lips met mine.  Just a peck a longg one.

*Thud* we quickly turned to the door to see jimin covering tae and guks eyes namjoon had his pen broken and hoseok and suga had their wide eyes and shocked look and donghuks bag fell down on the floor while chanyeol and beakhyun were squealing beside them.

"Uhm " i moved a but uneasy kinda uncomfortable.

"Get a room" jimin smirked the first guy to talk my face started to heat up like wtf we were caught kissing in the school sjhdbsbd.

" nonnaaaaa" guk and tae teased poking my arm.

"Stop it everyone not like y'all didnt kiss " jin rolled his eyes.

"We didnt bastard thats why we're suprised" suga said walking in finally acting normal.

" okay wait lets just pretend this didnt happen and lets go ill treat you to some snacks" i said pulling guk and tae with me.

"Ohoooo y/n you tryna bribe us" hoseok laughed.

"Shut up follow me if you wanna eat" i said placing mg hand on my cheeks to lower the temp.

We all went to a tteotbeokki palce and ate alott of them.
The best day i should say i loved someone new and i got some people i can reali on some people who'd pick me up even though i fall down. That must be it this is trust this is happiness that i lacked for years.

"Lets take a picture here" chanyeol said placing his phone on the selfie stick as we gathered around him.

"Hana dul set *sound of cam* hana dul set  *sound of cam* and lastt one hana dul set"

"Whaa it came out great send them to me" hoseok said passing chanyeols phone back.

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