"Master Frown, what are you up to this time?" asked the Princess furiously as she was about to unleash her anger form.

"What do you think I'm up to this time?" replied the evil Doom Lord. "Take a wild guess!"

"Well, to take away our fun-" Unikitty replied reluctantly.

"WINNER WINNER CUPCAKE DINNER!" said Master Frown sarcastically as he presented her a whole tray of cupcakes. Confetti was seen everywhere as she took one and ate it. (well y'all get the reference, right? I dunno, probably LOL)

"-by stealing Puppycorn and my cupcakes?" Unikitty continued.

"Yup!" Master Frown replied enthusiastically as he finished Puppycorn's cupcake with one bite. "You should be very saddened by this!"

"Well, I'm more furious than saddened, Master Frown,"Unikitty said as she tried to control her anger.

"Wow, this is seriously so sad for the both you! Wait a sec-"

Master Frown took out his mobile phone as he took a selfie with Unikitty and her brother, Puppycorn and sent it to his superiors. (Did y'all get this reference too?) He then laughed maniacally as he gently patted Unikitty's cupcake, completely ignoring Unikitty's transformation to rage kitty.

Unikitty let out a furious "ROAR!" and sent Master Frown back to his 'evil lair'. Puppycorn approached her as she calmed down. 

"Uh...hey, sis, calm down," Puppycorn said as he patted her on her back. "It's...It's just a cupcake..."

"Just a cupcake?!? JUST A CUPCAKE?!?" Unikitty was about to flip out. "He made you CRY just now, little bro-and anyone, ANYBODY who dared to make my little brother cry deserved to be PUNISHED with WRATH and ANGER!!!"

Puppycorn was deeply touched by his sister's words. He hugged her as he tried to calm her down once more.

Eventually, she calmed down. Puppycorn was very happy.

"C'mon, sis," Puppycorn said. "Let's go get another cupcake, shall we?"

"Sure, thanks for cheering me up, little bro. You're the best little brother I've ever had!"

"Sis, I'm your only little brother!" Puppycorn said as the both of them chuckled. They chatted with each other happily as they walked towards Dino Dude, who was holding an extra tray of Pet-Pet shaped cupcakes.

Everybody's joy returned as they continued doing their respective activities-except for Dr. Fox and Hawkodile, who were looking at each other, puzzled.

"Umm...Hawkodile," Dr. Fox called him. "Did you see what I just saw?"

"Yeah," Hawkodile replied. "He patted Princess Unikitty's cupcake, he PATTED it! What does this mean, Dr.?"

"I don't know," replied Dr. Fox. "I've gotta tell Uni-"

"It's okay, Puppycorn and I saw it too." Unikitty said as she and Puppycorn came out of nowhere-which frightened Hawkodile and Dr. Fox for a while.

"Princess!" The two of them greeted her.

"Heya, Hawk, hi, Dr.!" Unikitty replied.

"Well, we gotta investigate this problem immediately!" said Dr. Fox. "And I've got all the necessary gadgets!"

"I've got all the necessary muscles!" said Hawkodile.

"I've got all the necessary smiles!" said Unikitty.

"I've got all the necessary fun stuff to chew on!"  said Puppycorn.

"Princess, I don't think this is necessary-" Richard said as he came out of nowhere.

"Great! Let's start the investigation!" Unikitty declared as she and her friends returned to the castle.

"And the mayhem begins...again." Richard sighed as he closed the castle's front doors.

[COMPLETED] Mutual Feelings-A UniFrown Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now