Unikitty sighed as she flew out of Dr. Fox's lab. She did not get the answer she wanted for the 30-minute investigation.

"Why, Dr. Fox, why isn't the answer the one I hoped for..." she mumbled to herself. "The result is so very disappointing. Well, at least he knew about my existence-"

Unikitty has just gave her friends an excuse to use the bathroom, but secretly, she headed towards her room instead.

As soon as she arrived, she opened the door and went in. The room is a mess as usual.

She continued to walk towards her big box and she seemed to be searching for something. A few moments later, she took out a pink coloured book and looked into it.

The book seems to be her diary, and inside the diary was plenty of drawings-mostly drawings of Master Frown, by the Princess herself.

Unikitty read it from the first page, and then the second, and then the third-until she finished it. She then sighed as she closed the book and lied down on her bed.

"Unikitty this isn't you..." she said to herself. "Why are you dumb enough to fall for your arch nemesis... Why are you so foolish..."

Unikitty placed her book on her face and groaned in it. She was very frustrated.

The truth is-Unikitty has always harboured a crush on Master Frown. Why would she bother brightening his day anyway-since he always ruins hers. She has tried multiple times to show her affection towards him-like kissing him. Master Frown has been smooched in his face by the Princess for a total of two times. Yet, he doesn't seem to show any signs of embarrassment-probably because he knows fairly well about hiding his feelings-which is why Unikitty did not find out about his feelings towards her, and vice versa.

Unikitty kept blaming herself for falling for the evil Doom Lord, but she believed that there is good in him, otherwise he wouldn't even care if she's eaten by a lion from the zoo-although it's all revealed to be a prank at the very end.

Every night, Unikitty would pray that one day, Master Frown will return her feelings. But what she isn't aware of, is that Master Frown has been doing the exact same thing every night as well. And since Brock knew about it, he decided to pray along with his roommate every night before bed. What a great friend! Richard will do the same this night, for reasons only he, Master Frown, and Brock knew about.

"Unikitty? UNIKITTY! Are you in there?" Unikitty was awakened by Dr. Fox's call. She seemed to have fallen asleep with her diary on her face.

"I'm coming, Dr.!" Unikitty replied as she unlocked her door. She saw Dr. Fox standing in front of her with a worried look.

"We were so worried about you, Unikitty!" said Dr. Fox. "What have you been doing for two whole hours?"

"TWO WHOLE HOURS?!?" Unikitty shrieked in horror and disbelief. "I've slept for so long?!?"

"You... slept?" Dr. Fox asked her.

"Oh! Uhh... about that... I... was a little tired, so..."

"I thought you said you wanna go to the bathroom." said Dr. Fox.

"I... came out and went straight to my room to check on something, then I fell asleep." Unikitty explained hastily.

"Check on... what?" Dr. Fox asked.

This, is not good.

"Uhh... my sticker collection of course! I have been collecting stickers for years and while I checked on my sticker book to see if I dropped any, I accidentally fell asleep."

"Well, okay then." said Dr. Fox. "Just remember to inform us about whatever you REALLY wanna do next time, okay?"

"Roger that, First Commander Scientist!" Unikitty saluted and replied.

Dr. Fox just smiled.

"Come on, we've got a movie to catch, and cookies to enjoy." said Dr. Fox, walking towards the living room. "You don't wanna miss the fun!"

"Well I don't, indeed! I'm coming, Dr. Fox! Wait for me!" Unikitty replied as she caught up with her best friend.

[COMPLETED] Mutual Feelings-A UniFrown Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now