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"Ha ha ha ha ha! You bingleberries lost this time!"

"Master Frown, you WON'T get away with this!"

"Hah! You haven't seen the last of me! You'll NEVER see the last of me! Especially YOU, Princess! I'll be back after this, don't miss me!"

"Why you-"

Unikitty sobbed. She really did miss him now-although it's just a few minutes after he left the Unikingdom.

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't have thought about this stupid idea and plan to hurt his feelings..." Unikitty kept mumbling to herself, thinking it was her who should be blamed.

Unikitty really loved Master Frown. She thought of him every time-day and night, during meals, in her room, every time. Master Frown means a lot to her.

"Now where is he going..." she asked herself as she followed the frustrated Doom Lord. "I hope it's not his superiors' lair- it's so dark and chilly... Now what am I thinking?!? Must... think... positive... thoughts... positive... thinking..."

Unikitty tried to calm herself down-but she couldn't. Master Frown might be approaching danger right now-and she must stay alert.

Master Frown was running as fast as his legs could carry him, while Unikitty was floating above him, trying to not let him find out about this.

Unikitty was hesitant to approach him. She did not know what to say. She preferred to quietly follow him from above. Noticing he was still holding the bouquet and the box of cupcakes, she was about to tell him, but she did not want to waste his time.

"I wonder who the bouquet and that box was meant for?" Unikitty asked herself. "Could it be-"

Unikitty shook her head, preventing her from thinking negatively.

"Well, it could be anyone, right, Unikitty?" Unikitty mumbled to herself. "His father, his mother, his... whoever's related to him... right?"

Unikitty felt hopeless for a moment. The gifts could be for his girlfriend-and his girlfriend is most probably not me... she thought.

"I was too late. I should've told him that I love him... I-I should've told him that I wanna spend the rest of my days with him... I-I am so stupid!" Unikitty mumbled, mad at herself.

Unikitty noticed that Master Frown seemed to be mumbling to himself as well. She lowered her head a little to listen.

"Oh holy bingleberries, I'm DOOMED, literally..." Master Frown mumbled as he panted. "Master Doom is so mad at me! What if she- Ah! Forget it- it's not like having a crush is a big problem..."

"Master Frown has... a crush?!?" Unikitty was shocked yet heartbroken. "It wouldn't be me, I really am too late..."

"What? Master Frown, listen, you are DOOMED, SOOOOOO DOOMED right now, Master Doom might have found out about the truth, and you might lose your job!" Master Frown mumbled.

"What truth?" Unikitty's face changed from saddened to curious.

"Master Frown, this is serious! There is absolutely no way that she'll forgive you for harbouring a massive crush on your arch-nemesis, PRINCESS UNIKITTY..."

Unikitty was shocked. She could not believe her ears.

"All this time, Master Frown has a crush on... me? That's... unbelievable..."

"Well, what should I tell her then? How should I explain?" Master Frown continued his self-conversation. "What if she really fired me, if I told her that Unikitty's sweet, beautiful, adorable, optimistic, and happy... and that I should be with her forever and ever?"

Unikitty blushed bright red. Master Frown really thought of me that way? she thought to herself. So, Dr. Fox was wrong all the time?

Unikitty cried tears of joy, she couldn't be more happier and satisfied with Master Frown's words. She has instant hope in her eyes.

Master Frown and her, there is a great chance that they could be together at the end...

Master Frown eventually reached the Doom Lord's Lair. Unikitty gave herself a face palm, and followed him in...

Who knew what could happen next?

[COMPLETED] Mutual Feelings-A UniFrown Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now