Chapter 3 - Aria

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I had something to do before I could observe people form Arkadia. While on the haunt I killed a deer. I've eaten the flesh because I was hungry - logic. I kept some cooked meat in my bag so I won't have to hunt for a day or two. Then, with the thick and dark blood I dyed my hair. My blond hair is too visible in the forest. Also, for the first time I painted my scar.

They knew me, at least for some years. I don't know who decided to go on the ground. If it's Jaha, it'll be a pleasure to put an arrow in this heart. If it's only kids - Jaha could have sent anyone he wanted to - I may have been in class with them. Maybe he sent only the eldest.

Dipping two finger into the deer's blood I traced my scar. From my forehead to my cheek. I overdraw a bit. It has the shape of a waxing cresent moon. Which explains my nickname.

I waited for the night to fall before approching their campsite. When I reach the dropship I get off my horse and let him there. I don't worry about him I always find him or he finds me. I begin to walk. The nearer I get the better I could hear their noise. They made a fire. What a great idea not to be seen in the night. Grounders will find them soon enough. Added to this the sound they made when they landed.

I walk about a mile before I climb up a tree to watch them from above. I climb as high as I can. The moment I can finally see them, I am stunned. I knew Jaha was a coward. They might be 70. 70 kids. I spot a girl who can't be more than 12 years old. Another boy might be 16. None of them seem to be more than 18. In less than 20 hours they had the time to set up some tents. I also see food supplies in the hands of some. I don't see any weapons. Jaha really thought they would be alone.

Suddendly a blond girl runs from the dropship.

-Clarke! we have to take those wristbands off!

Another guy, tall and muscular follows her. I don't know if it's because of his black hair but I give him at least 20 years old. Does he lead the group? According to his clothes he must be a soldier hired to check upon them.

-No! Clarke repplies.

-She is right, I want the Ark to know that I'm alive so my mom wouldn't worry, the young girl adds.

The tall guys will soon lose patience, he walks back and forth near the fire.

-All right, you all listen up!

People around gather. Some others come from the forest and from the tents. They are numerous, about one hundred I'd say. There is only one girl, same black hair as to oldest boy (but the only-child rule is still effective on the Ark) who doesn't seem to care about what he's about to say. She is leant over a side of the dropship.

-People from the Ark send you on Earth because you were prisoners! They are using you with those armbands!

According to what the boy is saying, the governement on Arkadia hasn't changed in two years. They still use unwanted people as laboratory rats.

-If you take these off, you'll be free. It's time for you to start a new life and do whatever the hell you want!

-Whatever the hell we want!, repeats another boy next to him

Then suddendly they all repeat it - like a motto.

-Whatever the hell we want! Whatever the hell we want!

Clarke tries to speak above their uproar but it takes her a long minute to finally be heard.

-Shut up! Bellamy (she turns to the eldest guy) the only way my mother will believe I am dead is if I'm actually dead.

The Bellamy crosses his arms and walks towards her.

-You were among the priviledged up there - not anymore Clarke Griffin.

Griffin. I understand she is the daughter of Dr Griffin and Jake. The ingeneer who agreed to send me here on my own. For which reason could she be a prisoner? Yet, there is one more thing that I don't understand. If Bellamy is a soldier, why does he push them to flee? As he said, they were prisoners all sent their, before their 18 birthday apparently, so they wouldn't be floated.

I shift position to be more confortable. The night will be long.

-You can't force people to take off their wristbands! You came here at your discretion, don't you dare lead people you don't know.

He opens the mouth to reply something back but Clarke is quicker.

-And being here for your sister is not a sufficent argument! All you did today was hitting Finn and almost starting a riot!

-I stand with Bellamy, emphasizes the other guy, and if you want a proof, here it is.

He takes a knife off his pocket and press the tip on the screen of the wristband. It shatters immediatly, then he slids the knife under, to break it and let it fall into the fire.

Clarke is flabbergasted.

-Murphy! what will you partents will think of this?

-I don't care, my parents are dead! Only a few of us has at least one parent. Chancellor Jaha is a coward such as the government.

I like this Murphy and Bellamy more than Clarke.

-Take off you wristbands, go on. But if the Ark belives we're all dead they will never join us.

Bellamy rolls his eyes and takes a few steps back. People stay silent, waiting for someone else to talk and telling them what to do.

-The ground was ours until we had to flee in space. Now, that we have the opportunity to take the ground back you want to stay the submissives of the Ark? The ground belongs to us! We are the first here.

Hapilly they can't hear me laugh from there. Bellamy doesn't like authority, it's obvious. Nevermind, I want him to understand that he'll bend to my rules. And after mine, he will soon discovers who the grounders are. I'll be here to count the dead bodies. 

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