1 - First Impressions

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The second half of this is Carrie and Angel from chapter 5 of Blood and Water. I added it to be consistent lol Enjoyyyyy ♥️

*12 years ago*

"I can call my brother," Vanessa said to Carrie. "He was supposed to be bouncing tonight but he can still probably get me in. I'm sorry."

Carrie nodded, annoyed but only because she'd rather be in the bar with a drink than waiting outside, and pulled her cigarettes from her purse. "You're fine, just call him and tell him to hurry."

Vanessa made the call and within fifteen minutes her brother was there with two friends in tow. He walked off, presumably to convince the on duty bouncer to let the Vanessa in with Carrie, and left his friends with the girls.

"This is Kevin and Aaron," Vanessa said as she introduced them to Carrie.

"You've got great hair," Carrie said with a flirty smile as she reached up touch Kevin's thick chestnut hair. It was relatively short but she could still see the waves.

"Thanks," he smirked a little.

"Carrie, Kevin's single," Vanessa said with an obvious wink. "Why don't you guys stay?"

"I don't mess with my friend's little sisters," Aaron laughed.

"Yeah, me neither," Kevin said quickly.

"I don't have any brothers," Carrie said suggestively. "So hang out with me."

The flirty looks and seemingly innocent touches convinced Kevin to stay but Aaron and Vanessa's brother left as soon as the bouncer agreed to let Vanessa, who was just a few weeks shy of 21, into the bar.

Kevin was everything Carrie liked. Handsome, tall, older, smart and very confident. He was also controlled, measured, and that was a welcome change in her attempt to live more carefully.

"Law school?" Carrie asked as she and Kevin broke off from Vanessa who had found a man of her own to flirt with. "What direction do you want to go in?"

"I don't know," he said honestly. "Criminal was my first choice but the more I learn the less I think it's for me."

"Criminal law can be nasty," she remarked. "But I don't want to talk about that," she said quickly. "Do you want to take me out to dinner?" She asked, bumping his arm with her shoulder.

"Yeah," Kevin smirked, "I do."

"Good cause I'm hungry," she said with a wink.

"Oh, now?" He asked, confused, as she finished her beer.

"Yeah, unless you have better plans?"

"Nothing better, no," he said with a smile. He took her hand and pulled her out of the bar toward his car.

They didn't end up at a restaurant, they ended up in a parking lot eating fast food and laughing hysterically.

"I told him it was there," Kevin explained. "But he fucking rolled, all the way down, and hit the fucking ditch. He smelled like shit for days, it was amazing."

"He's an idiot," Carrie laughed right along with him. "I kind of love him though and I haven't even met him."

"You can't hate Steve," Kevin told her. "He's the biggest idiot but he's got heart."

"And a habit of landing in shit," she joked.

"That too," Kevin agreed. "What do you wanna do now?" He asked gathering up their trash.

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