2 - Following Your Heart

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"Yikes," Carrie said to Angel as he strolled up toward her. "It's been five days and you still look like shit from the drunk tank."

"You still look like shit since birth," he snapped back.

Carrie laughed loudly and rolled her eyes. "You're a dork."

"You still agreed to meet me," he teased.

Her cheeks flushed as he looked at her intently. "Yeah, well, we all have lapses in judgment."

Angel scoffed and snaked his arm around her shoulders to give her a squeeze as they walked toward his car. "Where we going?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I'm kind of fucking broke."

"Shit, querida, me too," Angel laughed. "My roommates out, we could head back to my place, watch a movie or something."

She eyed him suspiciously. "You're not gonna kill me?"

"Nah, not tonight," he said casually.

"At least open the door for me," she said as they reached the passenger side of his car.

Angel did as she requested, opening and closing the car door for her, and they drove back to the house he shared with a friend. Flicking on the TV, Angel sat on the couch, feet on the coffee table, and flipped through the channels.

"See anything?"

Carrie didn't see anything that grabbed her attention at first but eventually she caught a title that was at least somewhat interesting and gave his leg a playful smack. "Silent Hill, I heard it's good, so whatever," she didn't think they'd pay too much attention, assuming they'd just talk, so it didn't really matter.

"Alright," he said, tossing the remote on the couch between them.

"Look at you with all the premium channels, no wonder you're broke," she joked.

"I do not pay for this shit," he admitted.

"Stealing cable, you naughty boy," she laughed.

They sat quietly and watched the beginning of the movie but soon enough they were turned toward each other, talking and laughing. The conversation turned to family which, in turn, moved to Kevin.

"You ever meet his dad?"

"Briefly," she shook her head. "Hellos and goodbyes, but that's it."

"Real asshole," Angel said with a huff. "I got shit with my pop but fuck, not like that."

She nodded. "Yeah he's alluded to a pretty miserable childhood. Your dad seems like a real sweetheart though, I think you're imagining shit, Angel."

"Nah, he is, but my brother," she laughed but she could see there was truth and pain behind his eyes. "He kind of casts a shadow even if I'm bigger."

"And older and cooler," she joked. "I remember though, he was a star in high school, even I got tired of him sometimes," she laughed.

"Yeah," he nodded. "EZ is the golden boy."

"I'm sorry," she said softly.

"Nah, I'm good," he laughed.

"I can see it bothers you," she said, reaching over and grabbing his hand. "I shouldn't have said anything, sorry."

"Don't be, talking is nice," he shrugged.

"Real talking, yeah it is," she smiled at him and moved closer. "You can talk, I'll listen," she offered.

"Then Kevin will know my deepest, darkest secrets," Angel laughed.

"No," she said firmly. "Anything that happens or is said between us stays between us, I promise."

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