Safe Inside

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Keegan: hey bea how are you

Neesha: hey keegs iam good

Bex: neesha you got me into trouble last night

Louise: yh and me

Beranadette: not me

Neesha: well you shouldn't of come then should ya

Keegan: neesha don't calm down

Bex: well iam glad Harrison is still bullying you

Louise: bex that is out of order

Neesha: don't act like you care  Louise

Louise: i do care

Keegan: she dose bea she told me

Beranadette: and me when you fell out last time

Neesha: iam so sorry for last night bex and louise

Bex: it is fine and iam sorry for sayings iam pleased that Harrison is bullying you

Louise: and iam sorry

Neesha: bex i don't care if harrison is bullying me becouse i have you guys and  i have the most important thing in my life

Bex: and who is that impressed parson

Louise: keegan bex

Neesha: see bex did you forget that iam going out with keegan bex

Bex:  yes i did

Louise: how is she always hanging out with  after school

Bex: with keegan your always with him

Neesha: that is becouse i love you him bex i wish you felt that too and you Louise

Louise: i will find someone one day

Keegan: you guys comeing to the cafe

Neesha: can't bea Stacey wants me back early

Louise: oh what for this time and i will

Bex: i will and lou do ask

Beranadette: yh will bro

Keegan: don't call me that

Neesha: bea she won't let you call her sis

Beranadette: yh i won't let ya call me sis neesha is right and bro suits ya

Bex: it dose actually keegan

Louise: it does

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