Me And Shakil At The Cafe

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Shakil: why did you meet me here

Neesha: iam still your best friend right

Shakil: iam guessing you are still

Neesha: thanks

Shakil: you and keegan still going

Neesha: yh but he has gona to his dad's meant of

Shakil: well maybe later we could go to mine and watch a movie watch titanic

Neesha: you still remember my favourite movie

Shakil: yes

(i see bex's sat near the window with keegan)

Bex: hi neesha

Neesha: hey bex's hey keegs

Keegan: hey i didn't see you there

Shakil: you guys wanna come over and sat with us keegs

Keegan: sure

Neesha: thought you be at your dads

Keegan: nah didn't feel like it

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