Karen Taylor

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Karen: hey you guys

Keegan: wow mam what happened in here

Karen: nothing

Keegan: okay neesha come sat down next to me

Neesha: okay then don't fall asleep will ya

Keran: very funny

Neesha: haha funny

Keran: he always asleep

Neesha: i know he dose he is my boyfriend keran

( someone is at the door)

Beranadette: neesha there is someone at the door foe you

Neesha: comeing beran

Hayley: hi neesha

Neesha: what do you want

Hayley: i wanna say iam sorry

Neesha: yh right

Hayley: i do and i have something i need to tell you

Neesha: what is it that your leaving yay that good news i like that

Hayley: no iam not Laveing

Neesha: damn it

Keegan: bea be nice to your cousin will ya

Neesha: nah i don't think so

Hayley: iam prangnet

Neesha: what say that again hayley

Hayley: iam prangnet

Neesha: that means iam gonna be anuty

Hayley: yes it is how do you feel

Neesha: not that okay hay

Hayley: why is that not okay neesh

Neesha: well i like how it is hay

Hayley: like what how it is

Neesha: you and kat and mo and jean and Stacey and whitney, the hater

Hayley: lesten you don't need worry about that iam sure it be fine if you can stay around keegan house for a while

Neesha: why you kicking me out for

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