Going Around Bex

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Bex: hey guys

Neesha: hey bex just popping by

Keegan: maybe staying for a bit if that is alright

Louise: me too

Beranadette: me three

Keegan: no one ever says that now

Beranadette: yh they even Neesha says it

Neesha: why bring me into it

Louise: we always will

Shakil: yeap we will

Neesha: okay whatever anyway how about me and bex and keegan and louise and you bernnie and Shakil will go out to the qunne vic

Keegan: your drink enough

Neesha: no iam not Stacey won't lete drink in the house anyways

Bex: iam up for it

Keegan: me too

Beranadette: and me becouse keegan say ls that no one say me three anymore

Shakil: me too

Louise: and i don't know

Neesha: why not

Louise: can't be bothered

Keegan: that is not a rassson

Bex: okay  how ready

Neesha: maybe

Keegan: me to

Bex: okay

Martin: hey neesha

Neesha: hey Martin

Martin: what has brought you around

Neesha: asking bex for a drink

Martin: sure you can how's Stacey

Neesha: still haert broken

Martin: so iam i

Neesha: so go back to her

Martin: i can't

Neesha: will i did with keegan didn't i twice Martin maybe this is the third time going back to him

Martin: okay i will just give me time

Dot: hiya neesha

Neesha: hi dot how are you

Dot: iam good but Martin is not

Neesha: i know dot but he needs to give some time to think of going back to my cousin dot

Dot: your really good at love

Neesha: thanks dot only because iam going back out with someone over there agian

Dot: wich one

Neesha: keegan do you remember him  dot

Keegan: hi dot

Dot: oh i remember him now

Neesha: see i know you would didn't i right we have got to go dot nice seeing you agin

Dot: you too neesha pot in next time yh with keegan

Neesha: we will dot

Dot: okay bye now don't get to drunk

Neesha: we won't dot bye now

( we go to were mel works and hunter hunter is mels son i know him since w
way back in the square)

Mel: what brings you around here

Neesha: aunty mel can we have a 5 drinks plz

Hunter: pls me to

Keegan: do you have to join

Bex: keegan let him

Louise: yh keegan let him will yh

Beranadette: keegs just let him

Shakil: okay i don't  know this due

Neesha: hunter and i go way back

Hunter: yep we do but we never want out though becouse she wasn't my type of girl

Mel: and that is why she calls me anuty but we are not related to each other

Keegan: very nice to know that but anyway she is my girl now

Bex: how cute

Louise: how very cute

Shakil: guys stop calling them cute will ya

Beranadette: yh guys stop calling them cute they can be though

Jack:  neesha what you doing out here young lady

Neesha: uncle jack hi

Jack: hi what you doing here to Louise

Louise: out for a drink with the guys

Phil: you two home now

Sharon: oh wait neesha is at Stacey now Phil

Stacey: home now neesha

Soina: bex home now

Hayley: hahaha you people have to go home

Mo: hayley home now

Jean: she is older then neesha though

Kat: haha mo got told

Mel: bye everyone the pub is shutting

Hunter: neesha see ya tomorrow maybe

Neesha: yh see ya tomorrow maybe

Keegan: no your not

Beranadette: keegan lat her see her mate

Jack: now bye you guys

Shakil: iam off home bye

Bex: mam why you here for

Sonia: becouse your not alowed to drink

Bex: mam iam 17 so iam alowed to drink okay if dad said iam alowed so iam alwoed to okay

( we all head home)

Stacey: go to bed now

Neesha: no iam not going to bed

Stacey: yes u are so go now

Neesha: fine i will go to bed

Hayley: she is kinda drunk

Kat: yeap she is

Mo: i' ll go talk to her

Jean: okay mo you go talk to her

???: go talk to who

Stacey: uncle Charlie

Charlie: go to talk who

Stacey: neesha

Charlie: oh is she back then

Stacey: yh she is she is upstairs

Charile: okay i'll go see her

Stacey: okay

( charile comes to see me)

???: hi neesha you don't remember me do you

Neesha: uncle Charlie

Charlie: okay you remember me

Neesha: so iam guessing Stacy phoned you then

Charlie: yes she did

Neesha: why dose she always phnoe people for

Charlie: because she cares about you. And she loves you to bits

Neesha: okay then i'll go down and apologise to her and the rest

Charlie: good girl

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