Guess Iam Laveing

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Shakil: hey

Neesha: hey

Shakil: what you doing out here in the cold

Neesha: just thinking

Keegan: thinking about what

Louise: you leaving the school

Bex: what

Beranadette: why when what

Neesha: becouse i don't feel confident enough with tiffany in that school

Keegan: but you have us though

Shakil: you got me your best friend

Bex: and me your other best friend

Louise: and me who act like your big sister

Beranadette: and me who is your boyfriend's sister akk your best friend

Neesha: thanks beran for telling them that we are going out again

Keegan: thanks alot sis

Louise: wite what when did this happen

Bex:  like when did it happen

Shakil:  someone tell me iam not dreaming

Neesha: you girls comeing over mine later

Bex: yh sure what about beran

Louise:  sure

Beranadette: iam busy tonight playing chesse with mr Morris

Bex:  okay then

Neesha: keegs that mean your not invited

Louise: yh keegan

Keegan: i can be invited to my girlfriend's house can't i

Shakil: not when they have a girls night

Neesha: what is happening now over there

Keegan: what me to come

Bex: what is actually happening over there in our house neesha

Martin: iam done with you alot

Stacey: Martin don't go

Kat: lave him Stacey

Mo: yh lave him

Jean: just lave him heyley

Heyley: what

Neesha: wow heylay wach it

Bex:  yh heyley wach it

Keegan: what has happened in here

Neesha: keegan shh

Stacey: oh it is fine neesh go hang out with your mates be back later yh

Jean:  Stacy tell her or she be worried about you all the time

Kat: no she won't jean

Mo: how will you know kat

Lilly: mam

Stacey: yes lilly

Bex: Stacey do you want me and neesha and keegan to take the kids out for abit

Neesha: yh we won't mind will we keegs

Keegan: nah i won't mind it be nice to see lilly and Arthur and hope again

Jean: there you go Stacy

Hayley: yh stacy let them take the kids out

Neesha: shut up heyley

Heyley: oh what

Neesha: or i choch you out the house and live on the street

Hayley: oh really then i do the same thing

Neesha: i have got keegan's house to stay in anyways

Stacey:  stop fighting.

Keegan: you mant wanna go before they throw each other out

Jean: and they throw each other out

Neesha: never ever wanna see your face again

Hayley: that is not nice saying that to your couisn is it

Neesha: shut up no one around here knows iam a salter like you

Keanu: hey Neesha

Neesha:  hey keanu

Hayley: blah blah

Neesha: shut up

Hayley: why don't you

Keanu: is everything fine here or do you want me to go or come back later when everything is fine

Neesha: just come back later erm can i ask you a favour

Keanu: yh what

Neesha: i can stay at yours tonight

Keanu: sure my mam would like that and is it a secret from keegan

Neesha: yh it is a secret from keegan what time do ya want me around

Keanu: anytime you like

Neesha: 11 o'clock do at night

Keanu: sure i let my mam know

Neesha: thanks keanu

Keanu: no problem your welcome anytime

( keanu walks away)

Hayley: no problem your welcome anytime

Neesha: shut up he is only being nice

Hayley: dose that mean me too

Neesha: no that is why iam staying around his just to get away from you

Linda: you alright neesha

Neesha: yh iam fine linda

Mick: you don't look it neesha

Neesha: very funny mick

Heyley: you have alot of friends

Neesha: shut up

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