Shakil Comes To Meet Up With Me

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Shakil: hey i hared you talking to keegs agian

Neesha: naws fly fast around here

Shakil: don't be like that

Neesha: okay i won't

Shakil: you going out tonight

Neesha: yh iam keegan ask me to u going

Shakil: yh iam bex asked me to

Neesha: that is odd both of our crush asking us out for a drink

Shakil: it is isn't

Keegan: hey guys

Bex: hey neesha i thought you wasn't comeing out tonight

Neesha: keegan ask me too

Shakil: yh he did she told me

Louise: you don't drink neesh

Tiffany: you lied to me

Beranadette: and do you know what Tiffany

Tiffany: what beran

Beranadette: you can't get rid of neesha but we can get rid of you

Neesha: beran

Louise: go beran

Bex: what is happening

Beranadette: i thought you could make friends with neesha but you can't

Neesha: beran stop your gonna couse anugerment

Tiffany: no she is not neesha lave her alone

Bex: oh your not going any where near keegan tonight tiff

Louise: yeap let neesha have a goodnight with her crush

Keegan: wich is me tiff

Shakil: can we all stop shouting

Tiffany: you have had it in for me all this time

Neesha: no i haven't you really wanna have a go at me

Tiffany: yh i do

Neesha: why that eh because you have a crush on keegan but guess what

(keegan: don't do this)

(bex: let her tell her keegs)

(louise: why you guys whispering)

(Shakil: yh why are you whispering)

Tiffany: what if he did have a crush back on me

Neesha: in your dreams tiff

Tiffany: more like in your dreams

Neesha: i have been out with him twice you know and did something with him bet you haven't

Tiffany: oh you really wanna see

Neesha: yh i do wanna see

(Tiffany gose up to keegan and kiss him on the lips but he doesn't kiss back)

Neesha: you dere do that again and i will kill you

Shakil: calm down

Neesha: iam not calming down Shakil she kissed him in front of me

Tiffany: aww is someone jealous

Neesha: me jealous yh i would never be jealous

Bex: tiff you had to much to drink go home

Tiffany: no

( keegan comes and see me)

Keegan: come here

Neesha: thank god you didn't kiss back keegan

Keegan: i don't even like her like that

Neesha: she thinks you do

Keegan: she can think all she likes she not a part of our gang anymore

Neesha: i really misses you

Keegan: me too you wanna go back to my place later

Neesha: sure

Keegan: wanna go back out with me

Neesha: okay i will but one thing

Keegan: what is that one thing

Neesha: never let tiff near you

Keegan: i won't let her near me

(bex and louise and Shakil and Beranadette comes to us)

Bex: you guys comeing to the vic

Neesha: sure keegan

Keegan: near i think iam going head back home it is getting late

Neesha: i'll come with

Keegan: come on then

Neesha: see you guys later

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