Chapter 1- The Beginning

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It is a busy day in tour and Michael was checking some fan tweets.

Michael: (laughs) Wow, our fans are switching to KPOP just because we haven't released our new album yet.

It wasn't until Ashton entered the room.

Ashton: Hi Mikey, what are you up to?

Michael: I am busy reading some tweets and some fans said that they are switching to KPOP just because we haven't released our new album.

Ashton: Well, I will have lunch with KK today.

Michael: Okay, let me play some video games while you are gone. Also Luke, Calum and the kids are in the cafe getting drinks and snacks.

Ashton: Okay, see you later.

As soon as Ashton left, Michael was on his computer playing video games. Meanwhile in the cafe, Luke and Calum were sitting down and talking while Raphael, Yuto, Aidan, Zoe and Thaiyo were playing with their phones.

Luke: And then I did something to her again.

Calum: Luke you didn't have to tell me everything you do.

(You hear phone ringing)

Luke: Oh, it must be my mum, I'll be back. And also make sure the kids won't go savage because Zoe is the tomboy of the brothers.

Calum: Okay.

Luke went outside and had a phone conversation with his mum. After that, he went back and told Calum everything.

Calum: Luke, how's your mum?

Luke: She's just fine, she just wanted to say hello.

Calum: Okay. Do you want something?

Luke: Sure, iced coffee.

Calum: Same for me. Kids, do you want anything? Muffin? Cookie?

Yuto: Fortune cookies?

Zoe: Don't be stupid there are no fortune cookies here in America and we are in a freaking cafe.

Luke: Zoe, don't go savage on Yuto, he is only 4 months older than you.

Calum: As I was saying kids, do you want anything?

Raphael: No thanks, we're good, we've just eaten a chicken sandwich you've made for us for lunch.

Zoe: Also you stole my oat cookies I was sharing with Thaiyo.

Raphael: You've gotta be kidding me Zoe.

Calum: Kids don't go savage, just be normal.

Thaiyo: Fine.

Calum: Good now I will order my coffee.

Calum went to the counter to order iced coffee for him and Luke. Then, when he was ordering, the woman at the cashier got his name wrong.

Calum: Can I have 2 iced coffees please at sized medium.

Staff: Sure, what are the names?

Calum: Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings.

Staff: Okay, Column Hood and Luke Hemmings.

Calum: (groans) It's Calum.

Staff: Okay, Column.

Calum: Oh... my... freaking... god..., it is Calum, Calum Thomas Hood. Do you hear me?

Staff: Okay, I get it.

He soon went back to his table with everyone quiet.

Luke: So, how did it go?

Calum: That freaking lady kept spelling my name wrong.

Zoe: Calum, that's life, many people spelt our names wrong sometimes. One time, Raphael's name was spelt, R-A-F-A-E-L but the correct spelling is R-A-P-H-A-E-L. Even Aidan's name and my name has been spelt wrong too.

Aidan: It's because 'Calum' has been one of the rarest names.

Raphael: How do you know?

Aidan: I'm half Irish.

Zoe: You gotta be kidding me, you're just like Ashton.

Thaiyo: Anyways are we going home now?

Luke: Yup, c'mon kids.

Meanwhile, Ashton met KK outside a restaurant but KK, being playful was making jokes about him in KFC not giving her hot wings.

Ashton: Hi KK.

KK: Ashton, why didn't you give me hot wings from KFC?

Ashton: I told you KK, I don't work there anymore.

KK: Oh I was just kidding, anyways, let's have our lunch.

The entered the restaurant and Ashton asked for a table for 2. Then they started talking about stuff.

Ashton: So, how's the food?

KK: It was great, it is better than hot wings but it tastes really good.

Ashton: Yeah.

KK: So, how are your kids?

Ashton: Well, they are not behaving but they are just kids, they can do whatever they want but I can look after them like they were my siblings.

KK: Good. Umm... Ashton?

Ashton: What?

KK: Behind you.

Behind Ashton was a girl with curly black hair, brown eyes and brown skin more like she isn't white. Then, Ashton realized that it was Luke's crazy EX girlfriend, Arzaylea.

Arzaylea: The stars in the sky told me to come here.

Ashton: Oh my god, are you going phycho on us?

Arzaylea: Also the stars told you that your kids suck and can't play instruments.

Ashton: Yes they can, we taught them and by the way, says who?

Arzaylea: My son Prem, he wanted to rant on you, your stupid girlfriend, your stupid bandmates and your stupid children. I can say that because I am Arzaylea.

KK: Stop it Arzaylea or we will ran on you.

(Arzaylea left)

KK: Phew, that was close.

Ashton: Yeah.

They left the restaurant and went home. Ashton got KK with him as they went back.

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