chapter 2.

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If you're still here it means that you enjoyed my first chapter and I hope you enjoy this one too. Thanks for reading. That is a picture of Amanda, just try to picture one eye green and the other blue.

I opened my eyes and I could not understand what I was looking at. Partly because I was not wearing my spects and partly because this was not my bed. Someone had their hand around my waist and I turned to see who it was. My eyes widened when I came face to face with the sleeping face of Raphael, his copper hair slightly above his eyelids, I thought it was impossible for him to get more beautiful but at this moment, I could have sworn he was a fallen angel. I tried to pull away but he had a death grip around my waist and had to try harder. The movement made him grunt and loosen his grip. I took the opportunity and moved back, but then I heard the sound of something breaking and I held my breath hoping it would not be what I thought it was. I reached out behind me and even before I brought the item in front of my eyes I already knew that it was my spects. I looked at the state they were in. They had snapped into two, nothing a little sellotape could not fix. I smiled at the memory that Harry Potter's spects had also been sellotaped.

"Why are you smiling like you just won the lottery, your other pair of eyes is broken. That is going to slow you down." He said sounding concerned.

"It's nothing, just an inside jock," I said and picked up my phone. "Shit! Are you sure you can make it back to your place and get ready, in time? We are really running late."

"I guess I'm lucky I always keep extra clothes in my car." He said.

"Why do you have extra clothes in your car. That is very creepy and womanly." I said.

"I don't know. I guess one just never knows when he'll be going for a 'sleepover'." He smirked a really sly smirk that lit up his whole face and that made me understand what he was talking about.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked.

He walked towards me so that he was directly in front of me. Even in the morning, he still smelled like lavenders. Raphael leaned and spoke in my ear.

"Inside joke." He whispered.

My breath got caught in my throat when the hot air from his mouth hit my skin and I knew that if I turned at towards him at that very moment he would be close enough to kiss. I pushed the thought aside.

"I'll put out towels for you in the bathroom and then I'll make you breakfast as you shower and dress," I said stepping back.

His smirk grew into a smile when I took a step back as if he knew what he had just done and he'd gotten the reaction he wanted. That was probably impossible, right? There is no way that Raphael Stark would want to do anything to me or with me outside of work. Watching The Notebook is out of work, a small voice in my head said.

He left the house to go pick up the clothes and walked into my study to fix my spects with tape. It took a long time to find the tape. When I finally did, I sat at the edge of the desk and began fixing my spects.

"What are you doing?" I heard Raphael's voice ask from the door and I looked up, tape in hand and halfway taped spects.

"I need to fix these things, otherwise I won't be of much help to you," I said resuming to my fixing works.

"Well, I guess you don't need this, do you?"

I looked up and found him holding a small backpack in one hand and a pair of big black spectacles in the other.

"Do you think they'll help?" I asked unable to keep the eagerness away from my voice.

"If your eyesight is as bad as my sister's then they should do for now before she decides that she doesn't want her contacts," then to himself, he added, "honestly that girl will run me dry of my money someday.

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