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.: Ben's POV :.

I started to break out in a cold sweat. Masky and hoodie were running around spreading the lie I told them and now I had to deal with it. The other pastas of the house congratulated me until Jeff found out. His white face was red with anger. " You fucking liar." He spat. "I-I don't know what your talking about." I shrugged. He pushed me down and pinned me to the floor with his blade to my neck. I transitioned to my pasta form. " You shouldn't have done that." My eyes spilled blood and I sent an electric currency through him sending him back. The others were joined around me now watching our quarrel. "Tell the truth elf." he yelled. "Why do you care?" I screamed at him running my fist into the dry wall next to his head. He barley even flinched. " You never care! Why now?" He stayed quiet. I yanked my fist from the wall and stomped to my room.

.: Jeff's POV :.

I shook the dust from my hair and shoved past the crowd to get to my room. 'Why did he have to lie about her?' I thought. My phone went off. It was a text from Casper.

CD: Hey you awake?

J: Yeah why?

CD: Just a little lonely.

J: Want me to call?

CD: Yes please?

J: In a sec

I set my phone on the charger and decided to shower. As soon as I got out I threw on some boxers and pj pants and called her. " Hey." She sniffled. "Cassie are you okay?" she sighed. "Yeah, just a little down.." I frowned. " Why's that?" I asked. She sighed. "I miss my friend, We got into a fight and I kinda said something to hurt him and now he's gone." I sighed. " Do you want me to come over?" "Yes please." With that I threw on a black shirt and shoes, leaving the mansion again.

When I got to her cabin she opened the door with puffy eyes. I opened my arms and she immediately jumped into them. I led her to the couch and grabbed a blanket and pillow. " Tell me everything." I mumbled petting her hair. She sighed and began to tell me about her schizophrenia and the characters she has made up. I just listen and nod until she said everything she needed to. "And I know I hurt him but I miss him so much!" She groaned. We sat like that for a few hours until she fell asleep. I carried her to her room where she gripped my hand and pulled me into her bed making me stay. " I really don't want to be alone." She pleaded to which I sighed a complied in defeat. We layed in her bed and she fell back asleep. She cuddled up next to me in her sleep and I just held her.
I didn't know I fell asleep until I woke up next to her. She lightly snored when I tried to roll her off of my arm. I started to smell something burning. I moved my arm out from under her and opened the door. A wave of smoke blew into the room causing me to slam the door shut. "Shit Casper wake up!" I shook her hard. Her eyes snapped open and she shot up. "What's going on?" She yawned. "The cabin is on fire!" I yelled. I yanked her out of bed. She immediately grabbed a dusty trash bag that lay next to the bed as a leather jewelry box. "Hurry!" I yelled. She yanked her weapon belt and waved her hands creating a bubble shaped force field around us to keep the smoke away. The force field was too big trapping us. Her nose started to bleed. "It's too much." She said dropping to her knees. I grabbed her as she clinged onto her belongings and pulled her through the bedroom window. "Wait!" She screamed but the window had already closed and the fire was now engulfing her room. The pawed at the window only for me to pull her back before she burned herself. I saw the source of her anxiety and found that she had left a family photo framed on the desk.
We sat outside for hours until the fire finally died out. She walked through the ashes of her home looking for anything to salvage. We both dug through the remains finding hot glass and weapons which we used cloth to move them to a water source.
We put the salvaged things into her bag and I led her to the portal. "Where are we going?" I put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm taking you to my home, you can stay if you like or do as you wish." She nodded and followed me through.
.: Casper's POV :.
I followed Jeff into the portal stepping into another dark forest. "Where is it?" I yawned. "This way." He grabbed my hand and lead me to a mansion. I stared at it in awe leaving him to pull me inside. When I got inside the home seemed empty. "Slender?" He yelled. I heard a loud static that made me cover my ears. I front of me was a tall slender man with no face. He wore a black suit and tentacles extended from his back. "Who is this human?" He bent down to my height. I transformed And shook his hand with a clawed one. "The CD killer." I stated monotone. "I am Slenderman, what is your name?" He smiled. "Casper Drew." I purred. I could tell by Jeff's expression that it was rare for slender man to be kind to someone. "Why are you here dear?" He asked. "My cabin recently burned down." He looked patted my head. "You are welcome to stay here if you like, we can give you a room." I nodded. I gave him a hug (which is odd because I don't really like to show affection to people). He reminded me of my dad, kind and open hearted. Slender made me feel like a kid again and it scared me. 'Don't be afraid my dear.' I heard him say in my head. "Come to my office Casper, Jeff go and get a room for her." He stated putting a hand on my shoulder, leading me to his office. When we arrived there he sat me in a chair I front of his desk. "In order to stay here I need to know your origin." He folded his hands. I nodded and took a deep breath. I explained to him my mental illness and background. "About your...Blood?" He asked. "Father was a demon, Mother a neko." I shrugged, a little bothered that I had to bring it up. "No one is going to know, this information is for myself alone." He reassured. I inhaled and scooted away when I heard a knock.

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