Are you kidding me?

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Jeff knocked on the office door letting us know I now had a room. "Goodnight Casper and Jeff." Slender waved. I smiled and followed Jeff up the stairs. We kept going until we reached a dark purple door with a golden knob. Jeff stepped to the side allowing me to enter. I grabbed the handle hesitantly before swinging the door open. The room was modern. There was a queen canopy bed with curtains pushed against the wall and the room color scheme was purple and white. A white fluffy rug sat under the bed and a chandelier hung above the bed.

I glanced around my room awe struck. Jeff put his hand on my shoulder "Welcome home Cassie." He smiled. I tossed my bag onto a chair and ran and jumped into my bed. The chandelier glistened and clinked. "Goodnight Cassie." He waves from the doorway and eventually closed it leaving me alone. I walked around the big room and poked about, putting the things I had away. When I layed down again I noticed a box puffed with a red bow and a card placed next to it. I reached for the box and read the card carefully. 'Heard about the fire Casper, I'm sorry you lost everything. I know this isn't much but it's a start. Hope you enjoying living with us! Love ben' I smiled to myself. Tracing my fingers over the silky bow, I slid off the wrapping and gasped. Ben has gotten me a brand new phone. I stayed up the rest of the night setting up my phone.
.: Ben's POV :.
Me and Jeff looked around upstairs for a room. We found an old master bedroom that was dusty. We fixed it up quickly and Jeff went to get her. When he was gone I placed her gift and card on the nightstand and left before they arrived. Mine and Laughing jacks rooms where on either side of hers so I could hear her moving about. I fell asleep later when she finally layed down as well.
I woke up to the aroma of pancakes. I teleported downstairs greeted by a bed head red eyes Casper. "Sleep well?" I chuckled. "Not at all." She yawned phone in hand. I laughed realizing what she meant and pushed a plate of pancakes toward her. She ate and went back to her room.
She didn't come back out until dusk when all the pastas were out and about, this time looking well rested and decent. She trotted down the stairs and halted at the last step looking at all the creatures in the room. "This is Casper Drew, Or CD." Jeff introduced her to the others. "So this is Ben's fuck buddy?" Masky laughed. I glared at him.
.: Casper's POV :.
My brows knitted in confusion. 'They think you are a slut Cass.' Jezebeth laughed. I glared at her. The others murmured amongst themselves looking at me then whispering to one another. My cheeks grew red. 'They are all talking about you.' I stomped toward ben. "You think I would fuck around with an elf?" I yelled. He flinched and clenched his fists. "Why would you say that?" I yelled breaking the silence. Jeff chuckled. "You really thought you could get away with it too." He laughed. I turned on my heels pointing a finger in his face. "You knew about it?" I snapped. He immediately stopped laughing and frowned. "How could you guys?!" I screamed at them. "So to be clear you didn't fuck?" The guy in the mask asked. "NO!" I yelled. "Good I thought I was in a house with a slut." Another guy in a hoodie spoke up. 'See I knew I was right.' Jezebeth smirked. My blood boiled. My tail appeared lashing behind me as my pasta form morphed. I clenched my fists harder and ran back up to my room.
.: Jeff's POV:.
"That was fun!" A deep raspy voice laughed. I turned and looked back at Laughing Jack Who was doubled over in a fit of laughs. I shot him a glare heading up the stairs. 'I should've told her.' I thought

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