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Uraraka woke up to her alarm she turned and looked at her clock. Her
eyes open a crack. 6:15 am. She tapped her phone's alarm off. It
stopped vibrating on the bedside table, and she turned on her back her
eyes still heavy. The golden sunrise streamed through her windows, but
she was too depressed to enjoy it. She lifted her arm and saw nothing
but skin, no message from last night or a good morning. She sighed as
she sat up in bed. It had been 3 weeks since she had even heard from
him. After that day in the cafeteria, he had been silent. She tried
for two weeks to get a rise out of him, get him to talk but he just
didn't. She threw off her covers and swung her legs off the side of
her bed. She looked at the pink pen on her bedside table. It sat there
collecting dust for the past week. She stopped writing to him a week
ago, she got nothing in response when she did, so she was advised by
Kirishima to just let him have space. She didn't understand why but
she felt like Kirishima knew what he was talking about. She got up,
ignoring the pen and any idea of speaking to him. She walked into her
bathroom and started getting ready, turning on the water before
stripping down out of her pj's. She looked in her mirror above her
sink. Her hair was a mess, strands sticking all over the place. She
shook her head and climbed in, the hot water soothing her tired body.
She stood there embracing the water. She grabbed her body wash and
started cleaning off before running her hands through her wet hair.
Her nails touching the back of her neck gingerly. She washed her hair
finishing up, and stepped out the shower. She wrapped a towel around
her wet body and walked over to her basin. The mirror was misted up,
she swiped her hand across it revealing her reflection. Her hair
sticking to her face, but it was better than it was when she woke up.
She picked up her toothbrush and opened her tap as she applied
toothpaste, dipping it under the tap before she lifted the brush to
her mouth and brushed her teeth. She finished up and walked to her
closet to get dressed in her uniform. Her mind wandered to her Red
String. She was tempted to write to him many times. She missed him,
she couldn't lie about that, but she had to press on. Once she was
dressed she grabbed her bag looking at the pink pen once more. She
sighed and grabbed it shoving it in her bag. She arrived downstairs
and walked into the kitchen and grabbed some bread and put it in the
toaster. She was one of the students that woke up this early, but she
wasn't surprised if people walked into the kitchen. She waited for
her toast patiently as she heard footsteps come in.

"Ug, great," she heard a voice grumble, "I'll come back." she turned
to see the ash blonde teenager turning to walk away.
"Bakugou, wait," she said and he stopped. "Did you want to make
breakfast?" she asked dumbly.
"Well it is 7 in the morning, I didn't plan on making a cake," He spat
looking at her through the corner of his eye, turning his head
slightly. Uraraka giggled at his remark, making him scoff angrily.
"I can make you some while I'm here," she smiled. He scoffed looking
away immediately.
"I'm not hungry so no," he grumbled, but froze when his belly did the same.
"Seems that way to me," she giggled, "come on, I can make eggs and
then some toast. It's not much but it's at least something since I'm making anyway." she smiled. Bakugou looked as if he were mulling it over until finally, he gave in.
"Fine, but scrambled eggs," he grumbled. She smiled and started
getting busy with breakfast. Bakugou leaned against a counter while
she made breakfast. She felt his eyes on her the whole time. She
finished quickly and handed him his plate of toast with scrambled
eggs. He took it with a grunt of thanks. She walked to the dining
room as a few students started walked around the dorm, some in Pj's
some in uniform. She sat and peacefully ate her breakfast. Bakugou sat
across from her, not looking up. He was interestingly nice for once,
well as nice as he could be considering the circumstances.
She looked down at her arm reflexively, sighing at the fact that he
hasn't spoken to her in a week. She felt his absence every day, her heart
broke when she thought about their conversations. She didn't even know
who he was but she missed him.
"You waiting for your Red String to wake up?" Bakugou asked. Her head
shot up as she placed her hand on her arm.
"Uhm, he hasn't spoken to me in weeks, so no," She said, faking a smile.
"Why not?" he asked, holding eye contact.
"Oh I don't actually know, he just stopped talking one day, so I just
assume he's found someone or he just got tired of me, I don't know,"
she shrugged. "I'll see you in class Bakugou." she smiled as she got
up with her plate. After she finished cleaning up she walked out of
the dorms to school thinking about what happened. That had been her
first real conversation with Bakugou, and he wasn't swearing or
screaming at her. He seemed concerned actually. She smiled at the
"Maybe he's getting better at being normal," she giggled to herself.

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