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"Are you okay, Uraraka? You look a bit pale," a girl's voice said next to her. She pulled her eyes off the green haired boy walking to the nurse with his hand over his nose. Jiro stood next to her. She had pulled her away from the fray. "Oh my gosh your cheek!" she gasped loudly gaining the attention of Bakugou and Kirishima.
"What?" she said touching her cheek and flinching. She had a bruise on it.
"Did you get hurt by any of the guys by chance?" she worried.
"I don't know everything happened so fast, maybe a stone hit me from one of the blasts.
"See what you did idiot!" Kirishima yelled. The girls looked at them. Both of them had a large gash in their left cheek. Kirishima was probably hit by Bakugou when he let go. "Your stupid explosions caused stones to fly everywhere!" he pointed to the pile of large stones that were scattered everywhere then to Ochacos face. "And you're also stupid Uraraka, standing so close and refusing to move!" he scolded.
"I'll be fine, are you two going to be okay?" she asked concerned. Kirishima's cheek was cut open and Bakugou had cuts everywhere.
"We'll be fine, I'm gonna go clean this off and get Mina to look after me, he laughed and ran to the pink-skinned teen. Bakugou started to walk away.

"Wait!" Ochaco said. He stopped and turned. "This was mostly my fault, please let me help you with the essay," she said looking down.
"Wha- wait why not!"
"Because it's my punishment, and we've got another project to do, which you're going to have to do most of so I can finish this essay," he said softer than she expected. "Thanks for the offer though."
"I still feel like it was my fault, Deku got too protective, even though you were out of line too, I want to make it up to both of you," he sighed making her look up at him.
"If you're dead set on it, then you can help me fix this," he gestured to his face.
"I don't think she has that much time Bakugou!" Kirishima piped up, his arm draped around the pink haired girl, who giggled. He got a growl accompanied by a cuss.
"I can help with the cuts though, give me a minute to get my first aid kit and I'll be in your room afterwards okay," she smiled. "And then we can work on the project tomorrow," she said before bolting to the building. She ran to the elevator and pushed the buttons frantically. She burst into her room and rummaged around her room for the kit. She hadn't used it in some time so she forgot where it was. She spent 20 minutes looking for it until eventually, she found it under a pile of stuff she didn't think would hide her first aid kit. She changed out of her clothes and got into a black tank top and sweatpants before she bolted out of the room and to the elevator. She pressed the button for the floor above hers and exhaled when the doors closed. She didn't understand why she was hyped up, Bakugou had been nothing but mean to her most of the time. She didn't get why he was even remotely nice to her, but she accepted it. The doors opened and she walked to his room. She knocked on the door once and it flew open. Had he been waiting for her? She jumped back at the sudden movement of the door.

"What are you scared I'm going to stab you?" he asked sarcastically.
"Bakugou, were you waiting for me?" she asked her eyebrow cocked.
"Yes now get in!" he said bluntly, moving so she could step in. She walked into his room and he closed the door behind her. She scanned his room, looking for a place for him to sit. His chair had clothes piled on it, his uniform he had just been wearing and a towel. Had he just come from a shower? She felt her face heat up.
"Mind the mess, I rinsed off quickly before you got here," he said noticing her prolonged staring.
"No it's okay, I was just looking for a place for you to sit," she said turning to face him.
"The bed," he said as he walked to the bed and sat down.
"Right," she said awkwardly. She walked to him and placed the small bag next to him. She opened the bag and collected some stuff to clean his wounds with and plasters for the really bad cuts.

"How's your cheek?" he asked breaking the silence.
"Oh, it's okay, I don't really know how I got it, I don't know if it was a stone or something else,"
"Something else being your red string getting hurt,"
"Possibly, he's kind of clumsy sometimes," she said shrugging, "I wouldn't know, and I can't ask him, he's avoiding me still." She stood up after picking up a small disposable cloth and she doused it with rubbing alcohol. "Okay, I'm going to need you to open your legs," she said. His eyes widened and he let out a laugh, a genuine laugh. Once she realized what she had said and how it came across she blushed furiously.
"At least you ask first," he chuckled. He opened his legs, allowing her place to stand. She walked to stand between them and examined his face. She looked at the gash on his left cheek under his eye, the one on his lip, his forehead to the right and the one on his right eyebrow, likely from the same kick Deku had given him. She chose the one on his forehead first, pausing before touching the cut.
"This may sting," she said and placed the cloth on his head. He flinched on contact, sucking in air. "Sorry!" she said as she dabbed the wound. It was pretty deep, and it threatened to bleed again.

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