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He placed a hand on the cupboard preventing her from moving, his other hand touching her chin lifting it up to make her look at him. Her brown eyes looking into his red ones. He dipped his head down and placed a kiss on her lips. It was surprisingly soft and sweet, and she felt chills run up her spine. Unlike her kiss with Deku, there were no butterflies in her stomach. His lips were softer than she expected. He moved his lips rhythmically as he kissed her and she couldn't help but kiss back. His eyes closed instantly but hers fluttered closed slowly. His hand moved from her chin to her cheek as he continued to kiss her softly, but there was passion in this kiss. It didn't register what was happening until he reluctantly pulled away from her, their lips sticking together slightly. He looked down at her and it dawned on her what had just happened. She had kissed Katsuki Bakugou! Her eyes went wide and her face was an impossible shade of red. She even saw pink dust his cheeks when he saw her expression.

"Wha- What was that for?" she stammered, as he stood back.
"I was just messing around! It's just a kiss, it's not like it's your first, you kissed Deku outside the school last week," he shrugged.
"You knew about that?"
"I was walking from a classroom when it happened, and you two weren't exactly hiding," he shrugged. "Look don't take it personally, but you're not my type, I just thought I'd mess with you a little." he shrugged.
"Right, just messing with me..." she repeated, not really believing it.
"Thank you for your help today, I'll see you outside of the school tomorrow after class, don't be late, I've arranged to sit down with Kasumi for our project at a coffee shop," he said acting as if nothing had happened. She rushed to collect her stuff, but he grabbed the discarded materials before she could. "I'll burn these for you, you should probably get going," he said as he walked to the door and opened it. He still had no shirt on, but he didn't seem to care. She walked out and mumbled a goodnight at him and ran downstairs. She reached her room and placed her first aid kit in the bathroom cabinet before she got into her PJs and crawled into her bed after turning the light off. She felt extremely confused about the events of the past few days but she drifted off to sleep easily, exhausted from the day. But sometime during the night she could've sworn she felt the ghost of a pen touch her skin, but it wasn't there when she woke up the next morning, so she just wrote it off as a dream. One of many weird, confusing dreams about Ejirou Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou. It was that morning that she realised her red string must have been one of the three boys. It was the only explanation for their odd behaviour and most importantly the bruise on her cheek, since all three boys had a cut under their left eye all at the same time, the stones couldn't have hit her, because she hadn't been anywhere close to where they landed, even before she was moved. There was no other explanation. The list of possibilities of her Red String went from 14 boys to 3 in one day and she had no idea how she was going to figure out who it was.


Ochaco actually paid attention most of the day despite the events of the previous day. Midnight stood at the head of the class teaching.
"Alright, that covers that topic!" she said, "But before we move on, and since there isn't much time left of the day anyway, I wanted to hear who have you all picked for your projects?" She scanned the room. "We'll start with Todoroki and Ashido," Todoroki stood from his seat and cleared his throat.
"We haven't come to a decision due to a difference of opinion," he said before sitting down.
"Okay, if you haven't decided then meet me here after class, and I'll allocate you the better choice between your current ideas. Next Midoriya and Asui,"
"We've decided on the new hero Misty," Deku said. Bakugou put up his hand suddenly.
"Yes? Bakugou?"
"What about students who chose the same hero?"
"Well I suppose there's no harm in having duplicates but I doubt that's a possibility since there are so many new heroes out there," she said. "who is your hero of choice Bakugou?"

"Misty, we know someone who has some information that can help us," he said standing up.
"Who?" Midnight asked.
"Kasumi Bakugou, she works at a cafe nearby and offered to help since the two of them went to high school together, we're just getting sources for our project,"
"Oh, I see..."
"Wait, what?" Deku said loudly. "Bakugou? Kacchan are you married??" he spat. Ochaco couldn't help but let out a laugh, she wasn't the only one either, Kirishima, Kaminari Jirou, Mina and even Todoroki let out a few giggles. The rest of the class seemed just as amused.
"Seriously Deku, for someone with brains you really are dumb," Bakugou spat. "Kasumi is my sister, you of all people should've known that!" he growled.

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