DoN't SpEaK

912 39 15

'I know who you are...'

'What? How?' she demanded. Her mind was racing. She was starting to freak out.

'I figured it out'

'Okay prove it!'

'Your name is Ochaco Uraraka, your quirk has something to do with gravity, and you are a third year in class 3A of UA.'

"Uraraka?" a voice called. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt someone touch her arm. She snapped her head up and looked at the person towering over her.
"Oh sorry, Tsyuu, what did you need?" she asked shyly.
"Are you okay? You zoned out during class, plus you look super tired," the green-haired girl looked genuinely concerned.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine, sorry I just haven't been sleeping well these past two nights," She sighed. It was Monday morning and apart from Saturday night, her Red String hadn't spoken to her.
"I feel there's more than that,"
"I guess there is, but I don't want to talk about it," she sighed.
"So since you were barely paying attention to anything, we have a pairs project from Midnight's class,"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, but I think if you want the material you want to ask your partner," she seemed unsteady.
"Who is it?" she asked as she got up.
"Uh, well," she turned to look at the other end of the class, by the window. "Let's just say he's exploding with excitement." Ochaco's eyes widened. The blonde boy had his head down, reading something on his desk. He looked up as if he could sense their eyes on them.
"What are you looking at extras?" he growled, before standing up and shoving his book in his bag. He walked past their desks before stopping. "I have to meet Kasumi for something but meet in my room at 7 and we'll start talking about this stupid project," he barked, eyeing Ochaco before leaving.
"Good luck Ochaco," Tsuyu said before walking away. Ochaco followed slowly. She hung her head and walked quietly through the school, her mind drifting back to Saturday.

'How do you know all that?' she wrote. She was trembling, would she finally realize who he was? Would he tell her? She felt her thoughts racing wildly.

'I have no intention of telling you, I don't want you to know who I am. I'm not in love with you,'

'I wasn't expecting you to be,'

'I don't want you to know who I am,'

'Why not?'

'I just don't, I know you will be disappointed when you find out, just leave it at that, please." That was the last she heard of him. She tried to speak to him again but he would wipe it away and ignore her.

She collided with something hard and warm, ripping her from her trance.
"Woah, careful there floaty!" a male voice chuckled. She looked up to see Kirishima grinning down at her. She smiled back but he could tell it was fake.
"Sorry Kirishima," she said softly, "I was lost in thought,"
"It's all good, are you okay?" he asked, she could see the concern on his face.
"Yeah, I'm all good, like I said, just lost in thought," she chuckled.
"What were you thinking about?" he asked, looking down at the brunette.
"Nothing really," she lied.
"Hey Red!" a gruff voice said behind her. She didn't need to turn around to know it was Bakugou.
"Hey Bakugou," Kirishima waved.
"You're gonna have to walk alone, I have somewhere to be," he said.
"A date?" he teased. Bakugou walked past and Ochaco could see him roll his eyes.
"Go away, shitty hair!" He spat.
"Oh, you're going to see Kasumi?" Bakugou nodded. "Say hi for me!" Ochaco started walking to the door while the exchange happened, but she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "Where are you going?" Kirishima asked her.
"To the dorm," she said.
"Obviously," he laughed. "Let me walk with you." he grinned and she nodded. They walked out of the crowded school to the dorms in silence. Once they had reached a quiet spot on the way. He stopped and grabbed her wrist.

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