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Ochaco stood in the auditorium with Momo and Sero. They had Toru tied with Sero's tape floating in the air, thanks to Ochaco. Momo was helping with making the decorations that Ochaco would send up.
"Next streamer coming up!" Ochaco called.
"Gotcha!" Toru called as the end of it reached her. She grabbed it and tied it to the railing on the sides.
"Almost done and then we can move onto lanterns, you sure you're good to do this?" Momo called up to Toru.
"I should be fine, it's a good thing I wore pants, I couldn't handle being embarrassed in front of... well you know," Toru said, as Sero moved her to attach the rest of the streamer.
"Well it's only cloth he'd be looking at, he can't really see much else," Ochaco teased, "But if he could I bet he'd be blown away by the beauty that is Toru Hagakure!" she cheered, gaining some attention from some of the people helping out, the four of them laughed at her comment.
"Yeah but no one is as beautiful as you!" someone said behind Ochaco causing her to jump. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and placed a kiss on her cheek. Deku. She smiled and looked at him, he grinned back and leaned in, but she turned her head causing his lips to collide with her cheek. He let go and whispered in her ear, she nodded and he left.
"So how's that been?" Momo asked looking over. "Sero I think we should take a break now, just so we can get the lanterns," she turned to him and he nodded. Ochaco released Toru and Sero caught her as she landed. Momo turned to Ochaco.
"I'll tell you while we go get the lanterns," Ochaco said. The two of them walked out of the auditorium and towards their class.
"So hows things with Midoriya?" Momo asked.
"Things are fine I guess," Ochaco avoided looking at her.
"You guess? That doesn't seem so sure," Momo said, "What about your red string? Has he contacted you or is he still quiet?"
"Now and then, but not much,"
"So do you know who he is?"
"No idea, and it's kinda complicated,"
"I think you do know him," Momo said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well statistics have shown you usually meet your soulmate in high school," she smiled.
"Oh, I see," Ochaco said.
"By the way what did he say to you?"
"Oh nothing important. He just said I love you," she shrugged.
"WHAT?" Momo exclaimed.
"It's a new development and I haven't been able to say it back, it's really early for that,"
"Oh I see," she placed her finger and thumb on her chin to signify thought. The walk to the class was quiet, they collected the lanterns almost walking into Bakugou as they walked into the classroom and walked back.
"Hey! pink cheeks!" someone yelled behind them. They turned to see Bakugou standing holding a box. "You guys are taking lanterns right?"
"Yes, we are," Momo said. "hey that's the last box of lanterns?"
"Yeah you two missed the last one so I had to get it," he said.
"Kirishima send you to get some?" Ochaco giggled.
"Yeah and if you two hadn't taken it I wouldn't have to actually do it," he grumped.
"You can help us, we can get Kirishima and Kaminari to help if you want, then we can get it done faster, what you think Momo?" Ochaco turned to Momo.
"The more the merrier!" she beamed. They turned to Bakugou.
"You wanna fly or you wanna steer?" Ochaco asked playfully. Bakugou groaned and hung his head. "Let's go!" she called and he groaned again, following the two girls into the auditorium.


"Okay, guys are you ready?" Ochaco asked the five students. A group stood in the middle of the auditorium, waiting to help with lanterns. The lanterns were already floating, stuck on the roof. Each of the students had tape around their midriffs. Ochaco walked up to Toru and touched her activating her quirk. The girl started to float and Ojiro held onto the tape attached to her and walked to the back of the auditorium. She walked up to Mina and did the same, Kirishima moved to the stage with the tape that was attached to her. Ochaco walked over to Mineta and did the same, Momo moved him towards the back of the auditorium. The last two were Bakugou and Jirou, Ochaco activated her quirk and sent the two up. Tsyuu held Bakugou and Jirou was being held down by Deku. Bakugou was in the middle and Jirou was closer to the stage. The group began hanging lanterns, moving quickly.
"This was a great idea Ochaco," Deku called as he helped Jirou moved.
"Yeah until you're the kite," Bakugou growled.
"Be lucky you didn't get held up by Tsyuu's tongue Bakugou," Ochaco teased.
"Hey can I help?" someone said behind them. Ochaco turned and saw Fumikage, Dark Shadow behind him.
"Yeah, sure! Dark Shadow can help move the people and hang lanterns!" Ochaco grinned, "And you, Fumikage can keep Tsyuu and Bakugou company while I go check on how the others are doing and to make sure Bakugou doesn't destroy everything," she joked. She started walking towards Toru and Ojiro.
"Hey, Ochaco!" Momo smiled at her, "I really appreciate you making him the one who does the lanterns," she whispered.
"No way in hell am I letting him perve over you while you're in the air, Todoroki would kill me," she peered over to the boy with white and red hair who was talking to Kaminari and Sero about extra decorations and lights.
"I wouldn't let him, you're my friend and you are important to me!" Momo teased.
"I'm done, let's move further down!" Mineta called. Momo tugged him and he moved until he required her to stop.
"You gonna be okay catching him or must I find a mattress for him to fall on? Cause I wouldn't even let Dark Shadow catch him," she giggled.
"Momo can catch me, I wouldn't mind!" Mineta called down.
"I think the latter is best," she whispered causing Ochaco to giggle. She moved on to Ojiro and Toru.
"Hey, you two!" Ochaco called. "You doing okay?"
"Yeah, everything is fine down here. How're things up there Toru?" Ojiro called.
"All good! We can move now!" she called back.
"You gonna be okay to catch her?" Ochaco asked.
"Yeah... I should be okay..." he blushed. Ochaco smiled and nodded walking to Todoroki and the boys.
"Hey, guys! I need a favour to ask," she said when she approached, "Can we get something soft for Mineta to fall onto, Momo can't catch him and Dark Shadow will be catching Bakugou when I let them go,"
"Yeah, I'm sure we can find something," Sero said pulling out some tinsel from the box.
"Why can't Momo just catch him?" Kaminari asked.
"Because I don't trust that little pervert near my girlfriend's breasts," Todoroki said blatantly. The three of them looked at the boy in shock.

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