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Dedicated to sophie_uni, thank you for the comments. Means a lot that you actually enjoy this :)



“Ashton will be here in a few minutes.” I announced. Troye, Andrea and I sat on the couch and watched some MTV, after we’d eaten some noodles. We grabbed our coats and clutches off the table, and we walked towards the front door, next to the big window where I’d already seen the bright lights of Ashton’s car. It was a small minicooper, but there was just enough space for the three of us in the back. Ashton and Michael turned around, to greet us. Hands were shaken, and ‘hey, nice to meet you’s were exchanged. Nickelback blasted through the speakers of the car, as we exited Melbourne, and arrived in a little village fifteen minutes later. The boys helped us get out of the car.“So Ashton, these are my friends Troye and Andrea.” “Hey, aren’t you the one who sold me the Transformers DVD?” Ashton’s cheeks turned red, and he mumbled a ‘yes’. “Liz, Luke and Calum should be here any second.” Michael announced. We got ourselves some ice cream, and waited for Michael’s date, my date and his friend to come.

Then I saw Luke. He seemed even taller than on the picture, and he was incredibly handsome. As he came closer, I saw a tall blonde girl and an Asian-looking boy walking behind him. I guessed the girl was Liz, and the boy was.. God what was his name again? Every meter they got closer, I noticed how good looking Luke’s friend was. His black hair was styled in a quiff, and he was wearing black skinny jeans and a grey Pink Floyd singlet, which showed his immense biceps. I didn’t know how or why, but I was extremely attracted to this boy, of who I still couldn’t remember the name. I shook my head. I really needed to stop thinking these things. Boys shouldn’t be something I would be thinking about.

“Ah, there’s Luke with Liz and Calum.” Ashton said, pointing in the direction I had secretly been looking at for a while. “Hey guys.” Luke said. He greeted his own friends first, before introducing himself to the rest of us. “So you must be Bethany?” he asked, while shaking my hand. “Yes, but you can call me Beth.” I shaked Calum’s hand too, and Liz gave me a hug. She was taller than I was, and she had long, straight, blonde hair and she had put on some red lipstick, which I guessed were not from MAC. I’m MAC obsessed, and trust me, I recognize every single shade. Somehow I felt like I had seen her before. “Do I know you? You seem familiar.” I blurted out, my cheeks turning red soon after. “You’ve probably seen her on Youtube, she’s part of an American duo, Megan and Liz.” Luke spoke for her. Then I remembered watching their ‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’ cover. “Oh yes, now I remember! You guys are really good!” Liz thanked me, but got interrupted by Ashton. “Can we please go do something fun now? Those roller coasters are practically screaming my name!” I laughed at Ashton’s adorableness, if that’s even a word. We all laughed, and then followed Ashton and Andrea, who were already walking hand in hand, to one of the rollercoasters.

After two hours we had been in all the rollercoasters, and the only thing left was the Ferris wheel. Troye seemed to have become great friends with Calum, who constantly laughed at Troye’s dry sense of humor. Part of me was actually a bit jealous of Troye. I kind of wanted to spend time with Calum. Without having anyone noticing, I had caught myself staring at Calum quite a few times. For some sort of reason I couldn’t stop thinking about how it would be to kiss him, but everytime that thought popped up in my mind, I shook my head, blinked a few times, and tried to focus on other things, like what a great time I was having with Luke. He was a true gentleman and a good listener. He heard me out about my blog, my studies and my passion for fashion. In pairs we got on the Ferris wheel, while chatting and eating popcorn, that we had bought a few minutes earlier. “What about you? Any hobby’s?” I asked Luke. “I play guitar and I sing, but just for fun. I work at a grocery store, and I study mechanics.” “Wow, that’s quite a combination.” I giggled. He smiled at me. “You’re beautiful.” “You don’t look too bad yourself.” I smirked. 

Oh my God, Bethany Leighton Mota, were you just flirting with this boy? Then we just sat there, awkwardly next to each other, both looking in another direction. “So, any plans for Summer?” he then interrupted our silence. “I’m going to Italy for a week, and the other five weeks I’ll be spending in London, with my grandparents and visiting some childhood friends.” “Wait, are you from London?” In thought I facepalmed myself. Was this boy really that stupid, to not notice my very thick accent? “Hadn’t you noticed my accent?” I asked, not trying to sound obvious. “I don’t know, I guess.” he shrugged. “Well, what about you? How are you gonna spend your six weeks of freedom?” A few seconds after Luke had finished telling me how he was going on a safari in Kenya, our feet hit the ground again. I sighed in relieve.

Besides Troye and Calum, the others were still in the Ferris wheel, since they had gotten on it a few minutes after us. I looked at Calum. Everytime he laughed, crinkles appeared around his eyes, and an adorable chuckle left his mouth. His eyes lit up, everytime he spoke about something he liked or a memory. While we waited for the rest, Calum told us about his new bass guitar he had recently bought. His voice was full of enthusiam, as he talked with his hands. Each time his hands went up, his biceps tightened, and God, it turned me on. I didn’t even know what Troye said, but apparently it was very funny, because I saw Calum burst out in laughter. Then his eyes met mine, and his hand connected with my arm. The moment I felt the warmth of his hand, I thought I was gonna explode. My belly was filled with fireworks or butterflies, or whatever cliché, but it sure felt good. “Are you okay?” he asked. I blinked a few times, before giving him a weak smile. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

Soon we were joined by the rest, and went to get something to drink in a local bar, just across the street. While drinking my Fanta and half listening to Luke rambling about some rude customer that he’s had to deal with, I couldn’t but look at Calum. Our eyes met a few times, but everytime that happened, we both quickly looked in some other random direction. The first tones of Bruno Mars’ Treasure blasted through the speakers in the small café, and without realizing all of us moved to the dance floor. Liz and Michael danced their hearts out, Ashton and Andrea kissed throughout the whole song, and Luke, Troye, Calum and I just stood there.

Moments like these were always the best memories, and what better way to keep a memory than with a polaroid picture? I put my bag on the bar, and looked for the polaroid camera my grandparents had given me for my birthday. I took a picture of the dancing Liz and Michael, and of Ashton and Andrea who were still kissing. “Luke, can you take a picture of us.” Troye asked, handing his phone to Luke. I put my camera away, and stood next to Troye, as Luke took a picture. 


author's note

Hi lovies!

I'm so sorry for the late update, my wifi in Spain was shit but now I'm back home :)

But aye, first Calum, Luke and Michael appearance! And also Liz Mace, I love her so much, I just had to put her in the story :)

Next chapter will be  the first Calum POV, so yay for that. I'm gonna post that one later tonight, to make up for the late update. I've already written up until chapter 11, but it's all unedited so I'll be posting those the next weeks.

I've added some youtube videos, since those songs were the ones that I was listening to while writing these chapters. Idk, maybe you'd like that lol. 

Also, I've changed the ages of Bethany in chapter 2, because otherwise it wouldn't be correct with like the rest of the story. Doesn't matter that much though, it's just that Bethany is the youngest, Calum a lil bit older, Ashton the big daddy (lol cant believe i said that dont judge me) and the others are kind of in between Calum and Ashton. Probably won't make any sense like this, but it doesn't really so much.

Please don't forget to share this with your friends (maybe recommend it on your wattpad acc, in a story, on twitter idk?), vote, comment and maybe follow idk? What matters most to me is the reads, so sharing would be awesome. 

So maybe you could comment if you like it, what you'd like to see, improvements, idk this is all new to me. 

Okay im sorry for that ridiculously long author's note oops

Stay beautiful ily bye 

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