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Since Stephanie wasn’t home for dinner, and my mom was home early, we decided to order pizza and watch a movie. We sat down on the couch with our pizza, and waited for Insidious to start. My mom and I loved watching horror movies, but Stephie always got scared, so everytime Stephie was out for the evening, my mom and I watched one. Just when we the movie was about to begin, I felt my phone vibrate in the backpocket of my jeans. My mom paused the movie, as I walked out to speak to whoever decided to give me a ring. I looked at the caller ID, smiled, and then picked. “Hey Ash.” I then said. “Hey Beth! Okay, so next week Friday there’s a fair, just outside Melbourne. I’m coming, and my collegue from Target, Michael is coming too and..” “Wait, wasn’t he called Daniel?” I interrupted confused. “No, he put on that tag as a joke. But anyways, we were wondering if you might wanna join us? You could bring a friend. A hot one.” he giggled. I glanced at the agenda, that was laying on the kitchen table. “Yeah I think that’s fine. I’ll text my friends Andrea and Troye later.” “Great! When are you coming to Target again? Haven’t seen you in ages!” “Ashton, we just saw each other yesterday.” I laughed. “Oh. Well it feels like much longer. Monday maybe? Then we can discuss the rest for Friday.” “I’ll try, but no promises!” “Okay great. Well see you soon Beth.” He hung up, and I made my way back to the living room. 

“Who was that?” “Ashton, that boy from Target, remember?” When we first moved here, we went to Target to get things we hadn’t brought from England. Ashton, who worked there, helped us picking things, and eventually we became friends. We got each other’s numbers, hung out a few times and every once in a while I stopped by Target, to have a quick chat. Ashton was older than I was; he was 20, and I had turned 17 in November. But somehow we got along very well. I think that’s mainly because eventhough he was 20, he still acted like a child most of the time. Not in an annoying way though, he was just a very funny and lively person. “You mean that lovely boy, with the brown curly hair?” I nodded. “Oh that’s nice. I didn’t know you two were friends. But that’s great! You should let him come over sometime.” “Well actually, next week we’re going to the fair together.” “Ooh, as in a date.” My mom attempted to wink at me, but it looked hilarious and I burst out in laughter. “No mom, not as in a date. He’s bringing some friends, and I’m bringing Andrea and Troye. Oh, speaking of, I need to text them.” I quickly texted my two friends, and then we finally started watching the movie. After it had finished, I helped my mom cleaning the kitchen, and then put on my pyjama’s. “Honey, I’ll be in the basement. I still have to finish a design that’s due to tomorrow. It might get late, so I’ll see you Wednesday. Give Stephie a hug from me, okay? Goodnight.” She planted a kiss on my forehead. “Goodnight mum.” 

It was Monday morning, and I was just about to leave home. My mom was at her work, and my sister was at school. I had spent my Sunday working on some things for my studies. Just like my mother, I wanted to become a fashion designer. In London I went to a school that was all about fashion and designing, but in Melbourne I decided I wanted to do more than just clothing, so now I do arts in general. Most of the assignments are meant to be done at home, so I only have to go to the actual school two times a week; on Tuesdays and Fridays. I put my plate in the dishwasher, then grabbed my carkeys and left. It was chilly outside, and I cursed at myself for wearing a dress. It was a really cute one though; it was a white dress from my mom’s Spring collection, that I had combined with a jean jacket and a brown belt. I drove to the mall, and as soon as I entered Target I saw Ashton running to me. He pulled me into a hug. “Hello to you too.” I laughed. “My break starts in a few minutes, and I reeeaally need to show you something.” I laughed at his cute excitment. “I’m quickly gonna buy Rixton’s single for my sister, and I’ll catch you later okay?” Ashton nodded and then walked away. At 11AM Ashton’s first fifteen minute break started, and we sat down on a random bench in the mall. “Now tell me, what did you wanna show me?” “Okay so this morning this girl walked into the store, and she was incredibly hot. She asked me if we had the new Transformers DVD. Like, how amazing is that? Hot and same intrests as me! So when she went to pay for it, I took a picture and I was wondering, since you’re a girl her age, if you knew her.” He showed me his phone. My jaw dropped, and then I started laughing hysterically. “What?” Ashton asked confused. “That girl is my best friend, Andrea.” “Wait, the one that’s coming with us to the fair?” “Yup.” Ashton’s eyes lit up and his cheeks turned red. “Oooh, looks like someone’s got a crush on Andrea.” He swat my arm. “Well, I might know someone for you too. We could make it some sort of double date. His name is Luke. What d’ya think?” He showed me a picture of a tall, blonde boy. He had a cute smile, and a lip piercing. “He’s okay.” I said, not wanting to let Ashton know I actually found the boy fit as fuck. “But I’m not really into dating.” “No one said you had to date him. It’s just one fun night. Michael’s bringing a girl too. And your other friend Troye will be there too, and if I’m not mistaking Luke is also bringing someone. Please don’t cancel.” “Yeah whatevs, but as I said, I don’t do dating so I would appreciate it if you would not push or anything.” “I won’t.” “I’ve gotta go, I have to do some stuff for school with Troye.” “Okay. Oh, I’ll pick you and your friends up around eight Friday, so make sure you’re ready okay?” I nodded, and then gave Ashton a hug. “See you Friday.” I said, while walking away. 

“Hey girlie!” Troye said, letting me in. “Hey Troye.” We gave each other a hug, and then I followed him upstairs to his room. “So I was thinking, maybe we could make four different black dresses, and then focus more on the accesoires.” he said. In pairs we had to make four designs, and then at the end of this term there would be a fashion show, with models wearing our designs. Our school was kind of different, but I liked it. We usually did these kinds of projects, and we often got to work together. I loved working together with Troye. Andrea would usually pair up with Luanna, which I had no problem with, because Andrea often goes for dark colours, while Troye is up for whatever I come up with. Troye was the fanboy type of guy, and I absolutely adored him for that. It did make people think he was gay, but I wasn’t too sure about that. Not that I cared though, he was my best friend and he would always be, no matter what. “Sounds good! But maybe we could make the dresses another colour? So it’s less dark you know.” “Yeah sure. Maybe we could do it the other way around then. Simple accesoires, and dresses with prints?” he suggested. I nodded, and we started making some sketches. A few hours, and bags of chips later, we had made two designs. Troye had drawn a white dress, with black flowers, and I had drawn a salmon orange dress, where the bottom part was just orange, and the top had some black, pink and orange flowers. We scanned our drawings, and looked at them on the computer. I glanced at the top left corner of the screen, and saw it was almost 2PM. “Shit, I promised my sister I would pick her up from school. Sorry babe.” I apologised. “That’s okay. What if I make one more design, and you do too and then tomorrow at school we do the accesoires?” “Yes, that would be great. Thanks Troye. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I gave him a quick hug, and then sprinted to my car.

I picked Stephanie up from school, and then went home to make one more design. I ended up drawing a simple strapless yellow dress, with a slight print in it. It was 11PM. My sister had already gone to bed, and my mom had left this afternoon to a convention in Sydney, so she wouldn’t be home until Wednesday evening. Tomorrow I had school, but I wasn’t tired at all. I stood in front of my closet, and decided to pick an outfit for Friday. In no time I had gathered some things, which I put on. I don’t know if that’s just me, but I like to try on outfits on random moments and take pictures, so if one day I happen to have no idea what to wear, I can just go through my pictures and pick an outfit. My mouth curled up slightly, as I looked into the mirror. Much to my surprise, the black and white striped shirt matched pretty good with my pastel green shorts. I put on my black high Dr Martens, and let my curled brown hair hang loose. I quickly took a picture with my new Canon, and then got ready for bed.


author's note

Hey you beautiful people

I'm incredibly for this horrible filler chapter. It does contain some important info for the story, but other than that it is horrible haha. Next chapter will be better, promise! It'll contain the 5SOS boys so hope that excites you. :) 

I've updated the cast, and as soon as my internet will start working properly (im currently on holiday in Spain and s2g the wifi is so shit) I will also add some pictures and videos. For every chapter I've used some songs that inspired me to write those chapters, so I'll add a link to youtube. 

Please don't forget to vote and comment, but at the moment I think sharing it with friends would be more important to me hihi. 

okay ily stay beautiful xo 

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