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"Minho?" You called as you descended the stairs. There was no response, but you thought you could hear sniffles coming from one of the supply rooms. "Minho, it's me, Y/N. I was wondering if you wanted to talk."
"I'm good-" Minho's voice cracked. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I am perfectly fine, thank you. Just getting a bag of sugar for the chef."
He stopped talking, and it sounded like he was choking back sobs. Rolling your eyes, you opened the door of the closet.
Minho looked up at you with tear stained eyes as you stood next to him. "You aren't alright, you've been crying."
"No I haven't." He said defensively.
"Ok fine, you haven't been crying, but you're sitting in a supply closet with the door shut and the lights off, and your face is soaking wet, and there's snot coming out of your nose. Obviously something is wrong."
He smiled a little. "I like the sass. You are a girl after my own heart."
His words made you feel something strange, but you pushed the feeling away. Smiling, you sat down on a bag of flour next to him. "Talk to me, it might make you feel better."
He sighed. "I don't know. It feels like I lost a family member or something. None of us remember our parents, but we knew the feeling of having them. Newt, after that day in the Maze when he... well anyways, he sort of became a 'mother' to us all. Made sure we didn't do dumb stuff, put all of us before himself. We all sort of thought of him as Mama Newt, just as a joke. We were all so close to him, but he was the first person in the glade that I actually considered as a friend. What is wrong with me now?" He looked up at you with tears in his eyes. "I've never cried since I can remember! Not even when Ben died. Not even when Alby or little Chuckie died. Why do I fall apart now? Why now, after everything? I'm not supposed to break. I'm supposed to be the strong one, the one who keeps everyone alive. Newt kept us from falling apart, and I kept us from dying. How am I the one that failed, but I'm the one who's still alive?" He sobbed.
You wrapped your arms around him, and he held on like he was going to float away. "Everyone has a breaking point." You murmured in his ear. "Everyone has been broken a time or two. You just have to put yourself back together."
Minho shook his head. "How do I do that without the glue?" He took off running, and you chased after him. He didn't stop until he was standing at the rail of the ship. Your heart stopped as he swung his legs over the edge and stood there, about to jump. "Wait!" You screamed, running to catch him. You put your hands around his wrists, praying he wouldn't jump. "Don't do this." You stared straight into his dark eyes. He laughed, a harsh, bitter sound. "Why shouldn't I?" He asked. You panicked. "Because if you jump, I'm going to jump too. And that would be letting WCKD claim two more lives. It isn't what Newt, or Alby, or Ben, or Chuck would want, is it?"
He frowned. You tried again, a final desperate plea. "You jump I jump."
He nodded and began to climb. "This is for you, not me." He growled. You nodded, still holding his wrists. Suddenly, his foot slipped, and you both screamed. Your knuckles were white from how tightly you gripped his arms, and his were white from how tightly he gripped the rail. He scrambled to climb back up, and as soon as he was able he fell onto the deck. "Thanks." He whispered. "Please don't tell the others about this, they couldn't handle it after everything else." Heart still pounding, you managed a small nod. "Don't ever do something like that again. I don't care if you're mourning or unstable or broken or what, don't ever do that again." This time he wrapped his arms around you and you wouldn't let him let go.

Hey guys!!! Sorry it took me so long to update I've just been really busy. The idea for the scene where Minho is about to jump comes from the movie Titanic. The credit for that idea goes to them. I hope y'all liked this chapter! Please remember to comment and vote!

See ya later, Gladers!

When The Glue Dried: A Newt FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now