Chapter 9

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My skin!

I look at my skin its all. Weird!

Its jagged like a unpainted road with sharp points everywhere like barbed wires on steroids.

I bang my fist against the ground lightly and it leaves a dent with scratches on the ground.
I look at Katsuki as he is in shock too.

"W-Wha-" I say before being interrupted.

"Wow I never thought I'd ever get to see one in person!" North says as her ragged body gets up.


"You...your a tempest!" She says as she walked toward me as Bakugo growls at her.

"Calm down dog! Im trying to look at him" She puts him down as he shuts up.

She touches my forearm and gently puts her finger against the jagged skin. It cuts her immediately as she yanks her finger back and hisses in pain.

"Yup...your one of them."

"He is is what?!" Bakugo shouted frustrated at the situation.

"Tempest stands for wild storm. There was only 5 Tempests ever made and all of them died fighting for our cause they are the founders of us." She looks down saddedend but then continued.

"Miro was the first tempest he was the original. He had the power to morph through anything. Second, Tamaki, he was able to eat something and turn into what ever he ate. Third, Shinsou, he had the power to control someones mind. Fourth, Inasa, he was able to control the winds. And Fifth, Tokoyami, he always had a dark shadow that he could bend to his will to fight with. All of them fought for our cause."


"Kirishima I think you are the last tempest standing. Please you need to help us gain our freedom...please...I've lost so many friends to these people I just want peace." She said the last par with a choked sob at the back of her throat.

I sigh knowing if we even want to have food and shelter we will have to fight for their cause.

"Ok, we will fight for your cause" I say with a soft smile putting my hand on her shoulder as she smiles.

"Ok..." she wipes her eyes and straightens out her body.

"So, Kirishima you are plenty strong enough so you don't need to worry about it. However, I can't say the same for your boyfriend." She says pointing at Bakugo.

"The fuck do you mean I'm strong!" He screams.

"Growling and screaming won't get you anywhere. Dumb bitch" she says as she dragged him along to another room to train.

"AGHHH Let me go, HAG" My boyfriend screams as he is dragged away.

I roll my eyes and exit the room and look for Kaminari and Jirou the bad feeling still hasn't  gone away yet.

I find them and Marcus at one rusty looking table with a map on it.

"What are you doing?"

They looked at me and they said "Oh we're planning where we are gonna protest next."

I raise an eyebrow at this and look closer to where its is. Its says in 'one week' and its near where...Aizawa is!

"Its a risk but we gotta take it." Kaminari say crossing his arms.

"What risk?" I ask now concerned.

"The chances of them having high security of guards is very high they are trained to shoot on sight." Jirou says and circles the place where we will strike.




If there are heavily armed guards at every door at that place. Then there is a chance we will die...

Am I gonna die in a week

Bakugo POV

I collapse to my knee's and grab my chest in pain. Sweat glistens down my forehead and onto the ground.

I slowly begin to rise but not with out pain the was blood trickling down my calf onto the floor.

Fuck what is this bitch

I run to attack her again but she catches my fist and forcefully turns it around my back and kicks my injured leg out.

She slowly begins to put pressure on it my shoulder blade rising to and uncomfortable feeling.

I groan in pain as one of her hands snake around my neck and begin to strangle me. My eyes widen and I try to wiggle out, but I can't fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck what do I do.

I feel myself beginning to slip in and out of consesness............

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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