Chapter 1

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Bakugo POV

Bakugo wake's up with a gasp. Putting a hand over his heart and blinking furiously. What...what fuck was that.

"Bakugo are you ok?"

I whipped my head to the side to see one of his fellow band mate's Jirou looking over him.

"What the fuck happened" I ask her my feet dangling off the bed.

"Think you had a nightmare you thrashing around" She said with a light of concern in her eyes.

"Yeah just...a really bad dream" I said to her putting on my slippers to meet everyone down stairs.

I was apart of a band Im the drummer and we all lived in a apartment together. And together we have a youtube channel of at least 750 thousand subscribers. Its our main source of income. Our name is All Hero.

Midoryia he is the lead singer. We are childhood friends but he is very shy in public but when he is on the mic that changes really quick. He has great potential for a solo career but he wants to stick with us.

  Jirou she is the guitarist. We met at a mosh pit because we love to rock out. Some how we meshed together well and we became good friends. She is also one of the best guitarists I have ever met. Though you'll never catch me saying that out loud.  

Todoroki he is a half and half fucker but non the less he is an amazing pianist. He and Midoriya meet up somewhere and they got along really well. Then things led to another and now they are boyfriends. But I hate that because every time they fuck each other I hear it all. These walls aren't fucking sound proof. But I really hate to say it, he is a...good friend. God it hurts to say that.

Then there is me Bakugo Katuski the drummer. I come from a middle class family filled with engineers. Then shit hit the fan. When my family heard about me becoming a musician they flipped out. They threatened to throw me out because I chose to be something different. Well that didn't turn out how they wanted it. I took that threat and did it myself. Now I'm here stuck with a mini broccoli, a half and half bastard, and a girl with tattoos on her cheeks.

I make it down stairs to see Todoroki and Midoriya eating already. They...cooked oh god that is not good. Last time the two of them cooked together was the time they almost burned the house down...Cooking cinnamon rolls.

"Hey Kacchan"

"Hey Bakugo"

They say hi to me as I sit down at the table. I eye the food in front of me suspecting that there might be something wrong with it.

"We followed the recipe this time so don't worry" Todoroki said and I don't believe him.

I took a fork and sliced into it staring into their souls the entire time. Midoryia was quaking in his red shoes. I took a bite and was shocked to see it was good.

"I am completely..."

Midoriya look as if he was gonna have a stroke, seizure, and panic attack at the same time. Meanwhile Todo was not fazed at all.

"...amazed that this is good" I finished after holding the result for a long time. Deku almost fainted from holding his breath so long and Todoroki smiled and hugged the smaller boy.

I heard laughing I look behind me to see jirou barely holding back laughter. She almost choked on her spit.

"What are you laughing at you idiot" I said veins poping out of my neck.

"Y-y...your like gordon ramesy" she said before bursting out into laughter again.

"Y'know Im gonna kick your damn ass JIROU" I screamed as I chased her around the apartment.

After awhile I got tired and sat down at the table. And then the Todoroki said something that changed my life for the better or the worst.

"Hey how about we get a robot"

I looked at him suspiciously before he continued.

"You know we never have a chance to clean or cook most of the time because we are doing the covers of our songs. Well me and Midoryia have been talking and thanks to our youtube channel we have enough money for two robots."

I thought about it for a minute. Thats is a good idea. If we do get a robots that means more time to pump out videos and sing more. And I will finally have some free time.

"Yeah Im good with the idea"

"OH THANK GOD" Midoryia breathed out and his head plopped on the table.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY DEKU" I seethed venom from my words.

"Well me and todo we were more concerned about you because you shoot down all of our ideas" He said looking down at the table all of his confidence gone.

"Well Im good with it I suck at cleaning" Jirou said legs on the table .

"Then its settled lets go get ourselves a robot."

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Nothing Is Written (A KiriBaku) A Story based on Detroit Become Human Where stories live. Discover now