Chapter 46

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Louis was in Harry's bed, Mary finally agreed to let Louis stay with Harry for a weekend. At this point she didn't really mind, it was less stress on her about feeding him and making sure he was alright and having to stress over work.

"Yes my love?"

Harry was already awake, he was actually sitting up and reading a book, the lamp near his bed providing enough light for him to read but not too much that the smaller boy wasn't able to sleep through.

"M' cold" a rosy blush found its way to his cheeks, it was the truth. Louis was cold, and Harry could also tell through the little buds peaking through his shirt that the boy was wearing.

"Yeah? I see can tell baby." The man smirked, referring to his little hard nipples poking through the shirt.

"Can you turn the fan off? Or get me another blankie please?" The cute boy asked nicely, he really was cold and hoped Harry being the loving daddy he was would do either of those things. Well he was wrong.


The tiny boy frowned and nodded, his little stuffed bear, which of course he brought to Harry's house, close to his chest.

"Maybe I'll turn the fan off, but you have to help me first."

The small boy sat up and nodded, "okay daddy, what do you need help with?" He was a little confused but of course he'd do anything Harry asked him to do.

"I want my shirt off you."

Weird? But okay, even though you're the one who put me in it. Louis did as told, just getting a little more colder than previously.

It finally clicked. Harry's eyes were glued to those pretty pink nipples, that's what he wanted.

He did notice the boy was still cold though, and he felt a bit bad. He shut his book, marking the page he was on first, of course. He climbed over the small boy his big muscular body hovering over him.

Harry's body heat was enough to keep him warm, and also because Harry put the blanket over himself.

The man leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the boys neck before he whispered softly in his ear.

"You don't need to do this babe, I will happily turn the fan off for nothing in return, as much I would love to play with you, I wanna make sure you're okay."

Sometimes Harry forgot Louis was a Virgin before this, and if it was obvious, being in control was such a turn on to the man, but he still didn't know how Louis would react to it.

"I trust you daddy, play with me."

And god if those weren't the most perfect words coming from the perfect boy and his pretty voice. Exactly what Harry wanted to hear.

The older man smirked and pressed another kiss right below the boys ear. "Such a pretty boy, the prettiest." The man muttered as he trailed his kisses down to lous chest.

Harry's whole lower half was on the boy, including his stomach and his thigh, which meant the boys stomach and and crotch were also pressed against him.

Oh my god already? Innocent baby. He felt the boys little tent on his thigh, and if that wasn't enough the pink tint on his cheeks also gave it away.

"Hard baby? I haven't done anything yet."

"Do something daddy, please."

And he did, he pressed soft little kisses on the boys little buds. Those soft kisses turned to harsh sucking which lead to the other boy a moaning little mess.

Once Harry finished pleasuring his boy, of course Louis was sleepy and a bit sweaty, Harry himself wasn't able to get off, but pleasuring his boy made him happy.


"Yes angel?"

"Larry, where is he?"

"Oh, um I don't know I don't see him."

"did he run away? Maybe he doesn't like watching mommy get pleasured by daddy so he left!" The sad little boy curled up in the bed, genuinely upset he couldn't find his stuffed bear.

"There he his baby, he's on the floor." The older man reached of the bed and handed the boy his bear, who in fact, did not run away.

Immediately the naked boy hugged his little bear.

"I think he fell off the bed and we didn't notice ."

"Oh, it's okay Larry, mommy and daddy are sorry and still love you." He kisses the little bears head and closed his eyes.

"Louuuuu, I've waited all morning for you to wake up and now you're gonna go back to sleep on me?"

"I won't I promise daddy." The smaller boy opened up his eyes and climbed out from under the covers, placing himself in Harry's lap.

"Hi" he giggled, the stuffed bear no longer in his arms but tucked in next to the two.

"Hi Baby"

"Daddy you're so cuddly." He wrapped his arms around his neck and placed his thighs on each side of him, straddling the man.

"Am I now?"

"Mhm, could cuddle you allll day."

There was a moment of silence while Harry covered the boy up with a blanket and held him to his chest.

"Daddy." His voice was a lot softer, almost a whisper, there was really no need to be loud since the boys were so close together.

"If you saw my dad, what would you say to him?"

Odd question, but the little boy was curious, it was random things like this that wondered through his mind.

"Oh um.."

"Nothing, I would say nothing."

The confused boy lifted his head from the mans shoulder, "why?" He furrowed his brows.

"Because I hate him. I don't like what he did to you, I don't like what he did to your mother. I don't like him at all. But at the same time, he brought you into the world, he gave me you, the most precious, prettiest boy there is. If he was here with you, I wouldn't be. You've shown me so much love Lou."

Louis really wasn't expecting that, his little heart warm and over whelmed. He pressed a soft little kiss on Harry's neck before hiding his face again.

"You know I love you right Harry? Even if I don't know what it really is, even if you don't love me back, I love you. I'll always be here for you old man."

"I know Lou, you do a lot for me."

"Like wait for you to love me back, even if it takes forever."

And Harry's heart shattered.

Truly the man could not bring himself to say the words, but he knew he did, definitely. He just couldn't admit it.

He squeezed the boy tighter in his arms holding him close and whispering in his ear.

"And what if I already do?"

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