Chapter 12

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"Louis. Hello? Earth to Louis!"

The small boy groaned, turning his back to Harry and pretending to go back to sleep.

"Please get up Louis, when your mom wakes up and finds you in my bed she's not gonna be happy."

"Can you carry me? Louis doesn't feel like walking." He mumbled.


"Then louis stay in bed."

"Why are you so difficult? You can never do what's asked of you. You don't belong in my bed but over my knee." The older man muttered getting out from his side of the bed and walking over to the smaller boys side.

"Your ride is here Mr. Tomlinson."

The smaller boy giggled, not really making sense at the first thing Harry said before that.

The small boy climbed out from under the blanket Harry let him borrow, and right into his arms.

Louis had both arms around Harry's neck, and his legs wrapped his torso.

"You need to change." Harry felt his thick little thighs around him and of course because of the way Louis was wrapped around him, his hoodie was going up, and the boys little crotch was right against him.

"Don't wanna, plus mom won't even be up till later, m' comfy." And with that Louis put his head down on his shoulder.

"Your, louis your ass is out and crotch is right on me."

"Are you complaining? I don't care, I'm comfy." He sassed back.

It was silent while louis was carried to the kitchen, he was placed on a stool as Harry went into the kitchen and looked around for food.

Harry loved what he was looking at, a pretty boy sitting in his kitchen, his thighs were still bare and when he sat down they looked even thicker.

"Harry, why'd you call me baby?" Louis asked curiously.

Harry stopped what he was doing and sighed. "Because you're a baby, a literal baby, a baby that makes me take care of him."

"Oh. In that case, I guess I'll call you grandpa, you're old and fat, and you take care of me."

"Old and fat? Your moms older than me, plus I go to the gym five days a week, I have more muscle than you and your mom combined little boy."

And that just left louis in a fit of giggles, he liked this Harry, this Harry was silly and funny and took care of him.

"Speaking of, you're too skinny Louis, I was looking at you swim, you're so small, in all seriousness, are you healthy?"

Louis was taken back by the question. Harry had begun to make pancakes now and Louis was just there watching him.

"Oh um, yes I am. I actually do have a chubby tummy, I'm actually a bit chubby myself.. I'm just petite." He shrugged, not really sure how to answer Harry's question.

'Chubby tummy' I bet he's got a soft cute little tummy to go along with his pretty little thighs, what a boy.

"That's cute. You basically have the body of a baby, because you are one." He chuckled.

"Nuh uh! Mom says I have more curves than her! If anything I have the body of a little chubby lady."

His Mom definitely wasn't lying, louis was curvy, and now Harry was thinking of those pretty curves.

"I don't think so, more of a little girl, you look like a little girl. Don't you like boys too? Are you sure you're a louis? And not a Louisa?"

And Louis was a giggling little mess again, and truthfully Harry loved making him smile, his smile was so precious and he couldn't believe there were real people who didn't agree.

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