Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:



There were about 50 girls that were standing outside Caitlyn’s house as we pulled in the driveway. It’s nice to have so many devoted fans, but sometimes, a little privacy is nice.

We got out of the car and all of the girls pushed and shoved and nearly dragged Caitlyn away to get to me. “Hi guys, how are you?” I said with the biggest smile I could put on my face.

After taking pictures with all of the girls, Caitlyn and I were finally able to get inside.  “Well that was crazy!” she said laughing.

“Yeah, sorry about them pushing you and everything.”

“It’s not like it’s your fault, Harry,” Caitlyn said as she ruffled my hair. “Want some lunch?”

“Yeah, sounds great!” I said as I sat down on the couch in her house.

I’ve always loved to look back and remember when Caitlyn and I were just children. Before I had all this fame and when we could go out and have fun without people following us around. Caitlyn’s such a great friend; she’s such a trooper through all the madness these past two years.

“What are you thinking about, love?” she said as she walked over to the couch with a sandwich, half for me half for her.

“Remember the day that you first moved here and our parents introduced us, and then like ten minutes later we were playing like we had been friends our whole lives?”

“Harry, you don’t even remember that. You just know that because it’s what our moms tell us almost every day of our lives.” Caitlyn laughed.

It was true; one of our moms always brought it up. “Well, I wish I remembered that day. It was the best day of my life.”

“Even better than the day that ‘One Direction’ was formed? Or the day that hundreds of girls started following you around?” Caitlyn joked.

“Yes, even better than that.” I meat that. In all honesty, Caitlyn meant more to me than anything in the world. I loved her so much. If she was ever taken out of my life that would be the day the world ended.

It was a pretty gloomy day in Cheshire, so we spent the rest of the day doing what we love to do, watch movies.  We sat on the couch, Caitlyn’s head on my shoulder and my arm around her. We weren’t dating, but we still sit like that. It’s comfortable.

Day turned to night and we were both really tired. “Do you want to just spend the night here, Harry? We have the extra bed room and my mother won’t mind. But I mean, you do live right next door, you could just walk home” Caitlyn said to me with her ocean blue eyes looking right into mine.

“I like it here. I’m staying,” I laughed as we got off the couch.

It was about an hour later and I was in the room next to Caitlyn’s and I started to hear something odd. It sounded as if someone was crying. I got out of bed and walked to the room next door. I knocked on the door and opened it slowly; the crying was defiantly coming from here. “Caitlyn, you alright, babe?” I saw the light of her phone illuminate her face and saw the streams of tears coming from her eyes. I walked over and sat next to her on the bed.

“I’m ok.” She managed to choke out.

“Clearly, you’re not, love. You’re crying.” I took her phone out of her hands and began to read:

@CaitlynMooresWorld I hate her so much! Why is she always with Harry? It’s not like they are dating!

@CaitlynMooresWorld you need to back the fuck off, hun. Haz is mine!!

@CaitlynMooresWorld not even pretty, you think that you deserve to stand next to Harry? Think again!

I signed out of her account and logged onto mine and tweeted:

Harry_Styles: People need to grow up. Sending hate to @CaitlynMooresWorld is not the way to get me to like you.

All of those tweets were because of a picture that was posted of me and Caitlyn getting out of my car today. “Why are you reading this babe?” I said as I started to lie down next to her.

Caitlyn leaned into me and said, “Because that’s all that’s in my mentions, just checking in.” She hiccupped out. It was the saddest thing in the world to see her crying like that, and I’ve seen it a lot recently. I’ve been on break for the past couple of weeks and we have been spending a lot of time together. People have been sending hate to her just because we have been seen together. I always feel like it’s my fault, like I’m ruining her life sometimes. Then she said, “don’t feel bad Harry. It’s not your fault.” Another thing that I loved about her, she always knew what I was thinking.

I kissed her forehead and said, “No need to read this. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. It doesn’t matter what anybody says, all that matters is that you are my best friend and I love you.”  I rested my head on hers and she started to fall asleep with my arms wrapped around her tight. Right then and there was the moment I realized that I truly did love her. Not as just best friends, or even a brother and sister love. I loved her more than life. At that moment, I knew that she was the only girl for me.

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