Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

We were speeding down the street tying to make it to the airport as quick as we could. I didn’t know what was going to happen once I got there and I saw Caitlyn. I was going to tell her how I felt, that was for sure. But what change would that make? I can’t stop her from moving to the states. She was still getting taken out of my life. By every minute that passed I felt my world start to crumble.

It took us fifty minutes to get to the airport. I was racing through trying to find my love. “Oh, My, God! It’s HARRY STYLES AND LOUIS TOMLINSON!” I heard a girl yell. This was one of the few times that I hated being famous! After that one girl yelled, there were tons of teenagers running over to us. Thank god Louis was there because he said, “Back off, back off the curls! Can’t you see he’s on a mission? Harry, run when I hold ‘em off.” I can always count on him.

“Flight 216 to America is now boarding.” I heard the terrible voice in the intercom say. Then I saw her. She was in line about to give her plane ticket to the attendant.

I sprinted over to her yelling her name. I finally got her just as she gave her ticket to the woman. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of line. “Harry, what are you doing here—?” I didn’t let her finish her sentence. I took her head in my hands and kissed her right on her lips. It took her a second to figure out what was going on and then she started to kiss me back. Our lips fit perfectly together. She put her hands around my neck. We continued to kiss for a few more seconds and then I pulled back. “I love you Caitlyn Moore. I always have. I love everything about you.” She just looked at me the same way that I looked at her when she told me that she loved me. “Say something, Caitlyn. Please say something, anything.” I begged and pleaded.

I saw the tears start to come back into her eyes. She rubbed the back of my neck with her hands and then slowly brought them down do her sides. “I’m sorry, Harry. I’ve got to go, bye.” She gave me a small hug and then slowly walked away. My whole world exploded at that moment.  I felt my heart break into two. I hate crying in general, but crying in public was even worse. I couldn’t help it, though. I honestly didn’t even care.  I broke down right in the middle of the airport. After she was out of sight I realized that there were dozens of people watching the big show that had just occurred.  I felt my legs buckle from underneath me and I dropped down to the floor. I felt someone come sit down next to me and start to rub my back and I knew it was Louis. I couldn’t see anything through the tears that the spewing out of my eyes.

Once I collected myself a little bit more I took a deep breath and asked, “How much did you see, Lou?”

“All of it. You were brilliant, love. You did just what you were supposed to do,” he said reassuringly.

“If I did just what I was supposed to do, then why do I feel like I’ve done everything so wrong? The love of my life is gone. I feel like I just made everything worse with that kiss.”

“You might feel that way, love, but one good thing did come out of you planting that one on her.”

“What was that?” I asked as I tried to rub the tears out of my eyes, but they continued to fall out of my face.

“She kissed you back.”

Louis was right. She did kiss me back. I knew that she said that she loved me, but I thought that after the last conversation that we had on her doorstep that she would defiantly hate me. I’ve kissed a good number of girls in my time, but no kiss was as good as that one with Caitlyn. I literally felt sparks when our lips touched. You would think that that would make me feel happy knowing that I got a kiss from her, but it just broke my heart even more. That was probably the first and only kiss that Caitlyn and I would ever share.

Louis sat there comforting me for a good half hour till it was time for me to pick my dignity up and go home. When we got to my house Louis offered to stay over with me but I told him that I just wanted to be alone.

”Harry, are you ok? What happened? Where have you been?” My mom asked when I walked into the house. I didn’t realize that it was so late. It was almost 1:00 in the morning. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say. I just walked over to my mom and hugged her. She put her arms around me and started to comfort me. “Whatever’s wrong, it’s all going to turn out ok.” She had no idea that this was never going to be ok.

I pulled away from the hug. “Mom, this is never going to be ok. Caitlyn moved to the states and I’m never going to see her again.”

My mom looked at me with a shocked expression on her face and said, “Oh, Harry. I’m so sorry that your friend is gone—“

“Mom, she’s not just a friend!” I cut her off. She’s the love of my life and I will never see her again! She left and there is nothing that I can do to bring her back!” I spat at my mom. Normaly I would never talk to my mom that way but I was just so angry. I stomped up to my room and fell face first onto my bed. I grabbed my pillow tightly and just wept into it. A few minutes later I got a text from Liam.

From: Li Li :p

Harry, just thought that I’d remind you that we have to be at the studio at 10. Sorry for texting you so late, but thought I’d remind you. I don’t want you to be late again.

I threw my phone across the room, I didn’t want to hear that at the moment. He had no idea what was going on right now. I was not in the mood to sing right now. I was not in the mood to do anything other than just being alone in my room. How was I supposed to sing when I can barley stop crying long enough to say a sentence? It was 3am by the time I finally cried myself to sleep.

Lots and lots of drama going on! I would like to dedicate this chapter to MelisaCMitchell for being really nice and because they became my fan! Please keep on voting and leaving comments! If you enjoy my writing please fan! By the way I am going to be starting a second fan fic! Please either send me a message or tweet me @XxHarryStyles__ and tell me which One Direction member you would like it to be of and what you would like to read (thinking another romantic drama.)

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