Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I was relieved when I got a call from the hospital a few days later saying that Caitlyn was able to come home from the hospital.  Like last time, she got home and headed straight for the bed room. She wasn’t herself though. Caitlyn was never the ‘quiet’ type, but she wasn’t saying a word. She didn’t say anything on the car ride home and she wasn’t saying anything now. I decided that I’d go in and check on her.

“Hello, beautiful,” I said as I walked over to Caitlyn lying peacefully on the bed watching television. “Can I get you anything?”

She slowly looked up at me and softly said as she took my hand, “Could you just lay here with me until I fall asleep?”

I smiled down at her, “of course, love. Anything for you.” She slid over and I climbed in next to her. She leaned her head into the crook of my neck and I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

As Caitlyn slowly started to fall asleep I began to think. I thought about what our lives were going to be like in years to come. Would Caitlyn be cancer free? Would we be living in a beautiful mansion? How many kids would we have? What would our wedding be like? Big and extravagant or small and quiet?

I also began to think about the final words that Mr. Moore said to be before he passed away.

I was sitting in the hospital room alone with Mr. Moore. Caitlyn went out in the hall to go and comfort her mother, who was a mess. I began pacing around the room when I looked over to the hospital bed to see him begin to wake up. I didn’t say anything; I didn’t know what I should say.

To my surprise, Mr. Moore broke the silence. “Hello, Harry,” he said in a soft, groggy morning voice.

“Oh, uh, hi,” I awkwardly said. Talking to Mr. Moore want a hard thing to do, he and I were actually very close. Sometimes I would talk to him more than I would talk to Caitlyn when I would go over to their house. The awkward part was the fact that I had never seen him so weak, so venerable.

“Can I ask you a favor, Harry?” he said as he waved his hand for me to come closer to him.

“Yeah, anything. What do you need?” I said as I put my hands in my pockets.

“Can you take care of Caitlyn for me?” he said straight up.

I was taken aback by the question. I was expecting him to ask me to get him something to drink. “Um, what?” I replied.

“You know as well as I do that I’m only going to be around for a few more days at most. And you also know that her mother isn’t exactly mother of the year. I need you to take care of her. I know that this is a lot to ask, but, it’s important to me. I know that you and her are very close and that you both love each other very much,” he winked at me but I wasn’t sure what that meant and then he said, “I just want to make sure that she is going to be in good hands. I trust you Harry. Please, just—please take care of her.”

“Yeah, of course. It’s not a problem.” I didn’t really know what to say. I knew what he was asking of me, and I understood 100% why he would want me to watch out for her and take care of her. I was just in a state of shock.

Caitlyn must have heard us talking because she came in saying, “hi, daddy! How are you feeling?”

Mr. Moore winked at me again and I put my hand to my heart as if to say, “I’ll take care of her.”

After going over that moment in my mind I knew that I had to do everything and anything that I could to make sure that Caitlyn would get better. It was important to me and it was important to her father. I made a promise to her father that I knew I had to keep. “I’ll take care of you,” I whispered down to Caitlyn when I knew that she was asleep.

When I woke up in the morning I was surprised to be the only one in the bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes when I said, “Caitlyn?”

“I’m in the kitchen,” I heard her say.

I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to see her putting on a jacket. “Where are you going, love?”

She turned around to face me and I noticed tears in her eyes. Only then did I notice that suitcases that were set up by the front door.

DUN DUN DUUH! Only two more updates until it’s all over! Why do you guys think that she packed everything up? PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! I NEED COMMENTS! I ALSO NEED VOTES SO PLEASE DO BOTH!!  Dedicated to MrsStyles143xx for being really nice :)

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