Family series: Meeting Your family Ash

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Today Ashton was meeting your mum,dad brother and sister. Your sister loved 5sos she was only 5 and he loved them Luke was her fave but she loved Ashton's hair and eyes. You told Ashton about your sister being a bigger fan than you (it's hard to believe anybody could love 5sos more than you) he just laughed and said "can't wait to meet her" your brother Jack was older than you and super protective of you because your his younger sister.

You took Ash to your mums you knocked the door when he answered you gave her a hug and she hugged Ashton too. You came in and as soon as Ashton walked in your little sister screamed and started crying. Ashton went over and hugged her your brother went over to Ashton and shook his hand

"if you hurt any of my sisters in any way shape or form and your for it"

he said that made you a little uneasy but it didn't matter because you all got on great

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