We have to!

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Hi guys back for another chapter!
So this is the new chapter!

I know people complain about how they have exams right now but I spend an hour getting to school and an hour getting back so it doesn't effect it.....

Hope y'all who might be in exams good luck!!!!

Alama's POV

"Marco can you please calm down?" I say with not a hint of emotion

He stares back at me just examining my face

"What's the matter?" I say again in that useless tone

"Your just different..." I raise an eyebrow and stifle a chuckle

"How so?" I say in the 'tone'

"You we're always so, so... I guess adventurous.
Yeah you were formal but never like this.
It's just weird I guess" he stands up wiping his eyes.

"Well then....you sure your not gonna reveal that I'm not the very calm collective person they think?"

He nods and I decide what will one day of fun do?
Nothing I suppose

"Well then!" I give him my classic grin and he smiles brightly back

"Let's go do something crazy" he gets a bit of a worried face

"Uh I vividly remember you once jumping out the top window and pretty much falling to your death" I laugh remembering it.

"Hah well I didn't did I?" He gives me 'are you kidding me look'

"Uh for the past 14 years youv been Uh DEAD!" I burst out laughing realising what I said.

It was always my excuse for my stupid things and I guess I have to find a new one.

"How about I try that again? For old times sake eh?"

"NO, I just found out your not dead! You can't go and die again!!!" We both laugh

I missed this, I missed him.

After a few hours of catching up, crying, laughing and just it all I come up with a stunt we should pull.

"I got an idea! How about we go ride some" I look around checking if anyone is here, once I know we're alone i whisper

"Dragons" I barely say.

His eyes grow wide and he covers his mouth

"ALAMA NO! We both know they'll kill US!"
He says and I just smile

"But what if they don't?" Another excuse iv earned over the years

"But what if they do!!!" Hah he fell right into my trap!

"I guess we'll have to find out then!" I grab his hands and spin around with him pulling him out the door.

I'm exited! This is something too always look forward to

"So how are we even getting there!" He says as I drag him threw the hollow into the enchanted forest.

"You'll see!" I don't want him finding out he'll kill me

But who cares!

"I might be off the council but I still have this!" I turn around and pull out a small diamond shaped crystal that is dark purple with glitter!

"ALAMA! You could be vanished if you were found with that!" He says trying to grab it off me, failing

According to him the council does!

But eh

I open the diamond and a digital sona comes up.

I type in Warnara realm and it comes up, I click on it

A heap of new sona's come up and I click on a specific one. Taking me to the Center tower of the Warnara realm.

A passage opens and I drag Marco threw it

"Alama I just thought of something...are you gonna tell everyone else?"

He says as we get through

"Melody and Athena know" now isn't the time to tell him...

More lies

Are they even going to help?

"Are you going to tell the others?" He asks looking down at me

Marco is a little bit taller then me 7,2
I'm only 7

"I, I'm not sure if I'm staying..." I say looking down at my feet

"What do you mean? You have too!" He sayings shaking me

He lifts up my head and tucks a stray hair behind my ear.

"I can't loose you again" I really hate this eye contact thing...

But at least he's got pretty blue eyes?

Ok we're slightly too close for comfort
Like cm's apart......

"Uh" he's coming closer! Someone for God's sake interrupt this!

Definetly getting closer, if Mj here's about this he's gonna kill me!

Well he thinks I'm dead but still!!!
I think it still classifys as cheating


Oh shoot

He's actually kissing me, like kissing me!

Still kissing me

Uh how do I stop this?
His eyes are closed I probably should close mine.

Can't say it's not a good kiss but it's VERY one sided

Ok he's off me

Well this is awkward.

"So wanna keep moving?" I say quickly

He slides his arm around my waist and pulls me closer

I don't think we were on the same Page here.

"So wanna keep going? I have to get back soon" he runs his hand threw his brown hair and retracts his arm

"Maybe another time..." he gives me a quick peck and we keep walking like nothing happened

I'd rather that honestly

Okkkkkkkk chapter ended!
I know it seems weird, Alama is acting like her sister didn't die and her daughter isn't dying but we'll she's hardcore soooo that's my excuse!

It feels really weird writing POV's for people you killed....
It's like bro you dead!

Enough about my stupidness!

Have a nice day// or night!

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