Oregon x Washington

373 8 80

"ok that pretty much wraps things up, YOU ALL DISMISSED!"


"Relax Penn-"


"Oh come on.. PENNY HOLD ON- UGH"

'oh good finally the day is over' Oregon thought to himself 

'now I can go home and.. do more work... yay' 

Oregon got up from his seat and continued up the stairs to the main floor. He looked at his watch.

Dang already 12:15? I gotta get home 

He never realized how much time they spend at these, pretty useless, meetings.


oh? Washington??

Washington was the only other state besides California that even bothered talking him. After all, Oregon was boring. The only "interesting" thing about me was Salem Witch trials, AND THAT WAS IS MASSACHUSETTS!? -sigh- Washington is so kind to me, I don't know why. He talkes to me after every meeting and actually keeps up with the news in Oregon. H-he's just so... pretty- NO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!

There's not way someone like him would be with someone like me..

"You forgot all your papers, and that's the third time this week"

- Every once a month the states will take a week to meet in a states capital, and if you can't afford hotels then your out of luck. However this week they were staying in Salem, so Oregon didn't bother to bring his car -

"Ugh.. yes I know"

Washington studied Oregon and immediately got worried. His ditry blond hair was messed up and practically all over the place. There were small but noticable bags under his eyes, and all in all Oregon just looked bent out of shape.

"Please, can I drive you home? It's not far, but you don't look good"


Washington walked Oregon to his car. Once they got in Oregon had fallen asleep.

"Oh.. Okay" 

Washington smiled and hummed to himself.


Oregon pov~  (not even smut but I'm sure it's bad af)

"Oregon.. hey come on get up~"

"Uhh.. W-washington?"


Oregon was in what seemed to be a feild. A pretty one at that. The sunset in the distance just made it look even better. He was sitting on the ground surrounded by Starflowers, they were beautiful.

"Are you just gonna sit there and admire the ground?" Washington beamed

"I-i uhh.. I-"

"Well if your not gonna move, then I'll get closer to you"

Washington leaned in while my face turned many different rose colours. He kept coming closer until..

*insert airhorn noise lol*



"... REALLY!?" -whisper yells-

"Come on already"

As soon as I was about to get out I felt a sharp pain in my right wrist. I don't know what I did, but it really hurts. My open hand clenched my right wrist as it continued to ache.

Have I been writing to much? Ugh ow.. It really hurts...


Washington looked back to see Oregon struggling to get out off his car

"Pfft- come on dude"

 Washington walked back to the car and opened the door

"Sorry my right wrist just hurt.."

Washington took Oregon's hand and lifted it up to his lips where he placed a small kiss right above his fingers

"Feel better?"

"Y-yeah thanks"

Washington took Oregon's hand as they walked up to his house. Oregon stopped and faced Washington.

"Uhh..Thanks Washington, i-it means a lot..."

Washington grinned as he took Oregon's hands. Oregon blushed. Washington leaned in and Oregon did as well. They lips pressed together

*make out scene, I'm sorry I couldn't do it :/ (I got too nervous)*

Oregon stood there panting while the tint on red on his face remained 

"How about we go inside"

"Y-yeah I'd like that"


*California in the bushes*

"Ship it"

(A HOLY SHIT 628 WORDS OMFG, I LUV U ALL!!! also special thanks to @BritainTheTeaLover for requesting this 🇬🇧

 yeEt, see u later my petit baguettes)

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