Chapter 1

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(btw this is definitely not the beginning.. Obviously)

Parkersburg West Virginia, Friday 17th

Both Virginian brothers stood facing new problems every day, but perhaps today was the day they finally did something. For the past year their people have been relying on the 120,360 active duty soldiers to protect their borders. While trade relations were the only way the people of West Virginia and Virginia are able to get food every day. Yet now over 1/8 of their soldiers have either died or gone missing. New York is no longer able to keep ties with Virginia because of some tense relations with California.

"Virginia.. What are we going to do?.." 

West Virginia looked beyond his border worried that in a few days they would run out of ammunition and food for their people. Virginia looked up from his work.

"We'll.. Just have to ask someone for help.. Maybe get an ally"

West Virginia turned to his brother

"Who are we even going to ask" "Who's gonna help us"

Virginia paused contemplating his next words before he sighed

"Ok I didn't know how to tell you this but-" 

"Tell me what?"


"Virginia if you have a plan, hell even an idea, just tell me"

"Alright fine.." "A few days ago I visited someone to see if they'd help us"

"Well who is it?"

Virginia once again paused

"..North Carolina"

".... You can't be serious"

Virginia looked up and walked over to West

"Unfortunately it was the only option we had"

"Oh bullshit"

"Watch your mouth-"

"No! Bro there are other factions out there why did you have to side with Carolina!"

"West you know why!"

"No I don't!? You didn't even bother to ask me my opinion!!?"

West Virginia put his hands through his hair and heavily sighs

"If I asked your opinion nothing would've been negotiated correctly"

"So that's what you think of me as, a nuisance!"

"What!? That's not what I think of you at all!"

"If you even bothered to think of me, you would've known that I trust Ohio more than North Carolina"

"It's our best option for surviving the upcoming tides of new zombies" 

"How did you know.."

"It doesn't matter how I knew, it matters that she'll be able to help us withstand it"

"Are you serious!? Have you seen what she's done?!" "Maryland is gone because she wanted the capital to herself!"


West Virginia spun around 

"...West I-i"

"God it's just like the fucking Civil War all over again.."

Virginia laughed to himself 

"That war was anything but civil"


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