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'The day you left me, an angel cried' ~ Ariana Grande





I heard my fans chant as I tried to walk from the stadium hall to my tour bus. I quickly waved and smiled at my lovely fans before closing the heavy door of the bus, slightly quieting down the noise.

"I'm so hungry"

I thought as I made my way to the bus' kitchen. I grabbed myself some leftover McDonald's from the fridge, heated it up, and took it to my room in the bus.

As soon as my body hit the soft comforters of my bed my eyes drooped. But I knew I had to eat something before I fell asleep. I hadn't eaten in 11 hours.

I quickly finished my food. Setting my plate on my side table I opened my phone for the first time in two days. I'd been so busy touring that I hadn't gotten any free time until now.

The door opened and in peeked Scooter's head. Scooter is my manager and he's amazing at his job.

"Good job again kiddo" he said coming inside. He ruffled my hair again making me laugh and whine.

"Thanks" I sighed

"Hey. Why so sad?" Scott said sitting on the edge of my bed. I sighed and looked up at him. He sighed too.

"Look. I know you're dealing with a lot at the moment but you're doing greater than I thought you would. Leave him in the past. What matters is you."

I nodded taking in all scooters advice. When scooter gives you advice you have to listen to it because he gives really good advice.

He turned to leave the room but stopped.

"Oh and Isabella?" He said

"Yeah?" I looked up

"Give him a chance. I know he loves you. He just needs some space." Scooter advised yet again.

"I'll try Scooter" I said etching on a fake smile that I'd grown so accustomed to these days.

"Hm. Don't dwell on it too much okay? Have a good night" he said before opening the door.

"Mhm. You too" I said as he left closing the door.

I sighed, laying down on my soft pillow. Picking up the framed picture that was on my nightstand I felt tears prick my eyes. The picture was of me and him.

The one who always promised me that he'd never leave me. The one who always promised me that he'd stay by my side. The one who promised me that he wouldn't ever betray me.

The one who broke his promises and left me


•<~ To Be Continued ~>•

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